Reddy , Shri E. Ayyapu

Reddy , Shri E. Ayyapu

Party Name : Telugu Desam Party
Constituency : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 8

More Information :
REDDY, SHRI E. AYYAPU, B.A., B.L., [Telugu Desam—Andhra Pradesh, Kurnool, 1984]  s. of Shri E. Thiripem Reddy; b. at Nannor Village, Kurnool District, January 15, 1924; ed. at Arts College, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh and Law College, Madras, m. Smt. E. Kamakshamma, June 1, 1947; 3 s. and 1 d.; Advocate and Agriculturist; previously associated with Congress during Freedom Struggle, Socialist Party in 1948, Congress Party from 1954 to 1977 and C.F.D. and Janata in 1978; Minister for law & Legislative Affairs, Andhra Pradesh, 1980-82; Member, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1955-67 and 1972-83 (in all 23 years); Leader of the Opposition in Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly  for one year; Leader of the House, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1980-82; Chairman, (i) Subordinate Legislation Committee for about 12 years, (ii) Public Accounts Committee for 2 years and (i) Public Undertakings Committee for 2 years in Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly; Chairman, Public Accounts Committee 1985-86. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Telugu poetry and other cultural and literary activities. Special interests:  Rural development and problems of Kisans. Publications:  "Commentary on Land Reforms Act" and a number of essays and poems in Telugu literature and on legal topics. Travels aborad:  U.S.A. and Malaysia. Permanent address:  Dwarakapuri Colony, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.