Rao , Shri P. Hanmanth

Rao , Shri P. Hanmanth

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Medak
State : Andhra Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 3

More Information :
RAO, SHRI P. HANMANTH, Cong., (Andhra Pradesh— Medak—1962):  S. of Shri P. Shive Ram Rao; B. Mahaboobnagar, September 17, 1909; ed. at Osmania University, Law Class from High Court of Hyderabad State; m. Shrimati P. Saraswati Devi, 1924; 2 S. and 4 D.; Agriculturist; Member, State Legislature, 1952-56; Deputy Minister of Revenue, Hyderabad State, February, 1954 to September, 1956; Member, Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62. Social activities:  Bhoodan, Khadi and Bharat Sevak Samaj.  Favourite pastime and recreation:  Gardening. Permanent address:  Mahaboobnagar, A.P. [Voting results at the Election:  Electorate:  4,14,481 Shri P. Hanmanth Rao                                . .                      88,098 Shri Molgu Jagannath Reddy                      . .                      68,966 Shri L. Narahari Goud                                 . .                      37,806].