Rampure , Shri Mahadevappa

Rampure , Shri Mahadevappa

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Gulbarga
State : Mysore
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
RAMPURE, SHRI MAHADEVAPPA, Cong., (Mysore-Gulbarga-1967):  s. of Shri Yashwantappa Rampure; b. at Kumbari, Sholapur, August 1, 1920; ed. at H.D. High School, Sholapur; m. Smt. Taradevi; 5 s. and 3 d.; agriculturist, businessman and social worker; formerly member, Radical Democratic Party; Member, (1) Board of Governors, Regional Engineering College,Warangal, (2) National Railway Users' Consultative Committee, (3) Hyderabad Pradesh Congress Working Committee, (4) Mysore Pradesh  Congress Working  Committee,  (5)  Election  Committee, Hyderabad  Karnatak  Congress Committee,  (6)  Indian  Red  Cross  Society ,  Gulbarga,  (7) Karnatak  University  Senate and Syndicate, Dharwar;  Secretary, Bharat  Scout &  Guides ,  Gulbarga  District  Assocation; General   Secretary,  Gulbarga  District  Congress Committee for 8 year;  Foundar President,  M.S.K.  Mills,  Rashtria  Sabha  Gulbarga;  formerly  Vice-President, Shahabad,  Cement  Factory  Majdur  Sabha,  Shahabad;  Ex-Member  and  Deputy  Chairman,  Legislative Council, Mysore; Member, Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62 and Third Lok Sabha, 1962—1967. Social activities:  Organising study circles and Trade Unions; Founder-Secretary, S. B. High School, Gulbarga and S. B. Arts and Science-College, Gulbarga; Founder-Vice-Chairman, S.B. Commerce College, Gulbarga; Founder-President, (1) Hyderabad Karnataka Education Society, Gulbarga, (2) Seth Shankarlal Lohoti Law College, Gulbarga, (3) Engineering College, Gulbarga, (4) M.A.M. Hostel, Gulbarga, (5) Bhoomraddi Arts and Science College, Bidar;. (6) Medical College, Gulbarga, (7) Smt V.G., College for Women, Gulbarga, (8) S.S. Maragol College, Shahabad, Distt. Gulbarga, (9) Muluk Sheriar Irani Institute of Science, Gulbarga; Hobbies:  Reading and gardening. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Listening to Hindustani  Music, travelling. Special interest:  Promoting the cause of education in the backward districts of Gulbarga, Bidar and Raichur. Permanent address:  "Jaideep", Engineering; College Road, Gulbarga, Mysore State.