Raghavachari , Shri K.S.

Raghavachari , Shri K.S.

Party Name : Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party
Constituency : Penukonda
State : Madras
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 1

More Information :
RAGHAVACHARI, SHRI K. S., B.A., LL.B.. K.M.P. (Madras—Penukonda—1952): S. of Shri Thirunarayanachar; B. Krishnapur, Mysore State, March 4, 1991; ed. at Maharaja's College, Mysore, Law College, Bombay; m. Shrimati Sundaramma, June, 1913; 2 S. and 1 D.; Lawyer; Trustee, Seva-mandir, Hindupur; Trustee, National Educational Trust, Anantapur; Treasurer, Rayalaseema Famine Relief Central Committee; Vice-President, Co-operative Central Bank Ltd., Anantapur; Government Pleader and Public Prosecutor, 1937-40, 1947—50; Member, Congress, 1922—47; Sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment for individual Satyagrah, 1940; Detained for a period of 26 months in the "Quit India" Movement, 1942; Member, K.M.P. Party since 1951. Hobby: Gardening. Special interest: Agriculture. Favourite pastime: Study of Scriptures. Recreation: Walking. Permanent Address: Sarojini Road, Anantapur