Poonacha , Shri C.M.

Poonacha , Shri C.M.

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Mangalore
State : Mysore
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
POONACHA, SHRI C. M.,  Cong., (Mysore-Mangalore—1967):  s. of Shri Cheppudira Muthana; b. at Attur Vill. South Coorg, 1910; ed. at Mercara and Virajpet in Coorg and St. Aloysius College, Mangalore; m. 2 s. and 2 d.; discontinued studies to join the National Movement for freedom; sentenced to imprisonment twice during Salt Satyagraha Movement, 1932 and 1933; imprisoned during individual Satyagraha Movement. 1940-41 and detained during Quit India Movement, 1942—44; Secretary, D.C.C., Coorg, 1933; Member (1) Executive Committee, Karnatak P.C.C., 1938 and (2) A.I.C.C, 1938; Elected to Coorg District Board. 1938 and was its President, 1941; elected to Coorg Legislative Council, 1945; Leader of the Congress Legislature Party in the Council, 1945—51; elected to Constituent Assembly and Provisional Parliament, 1947—51; Chief Minister of Coorg, 1952—56; after the formation of new Mysore State, was Minister for Industries and Commerce, 1956 and, later, for Home and Industries in that State; Chairman, State Trading Corporation of India, 1959—63; Leader of (1) Government of India Trade Delegation to some East European countries, I960, and (2) State Trading Corporation Delegation to Japan, 1961; Elected to the Rajya Sabha in April. 1964; Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance. 1st to 24th January. 1966; Minister of State in the Ministry of Transport, Aviation, Shipping and Tourism from January 25, 1966 to March 12, 1967; Minister of Railways since March 13, 1967. Travels abroad:  Japan, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Hungary and Yugoslavia. Permanent address:  Home Estate, Attur Post, Via Pollibetta, South Coorg, Mysore State.