Nathu Singh , Shri

Nathu Singh , Shri

Party Name : Bharatiya Janata Party
Constituency : Dausa
State : Rajasthan
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 9

More Information :
NATHU SINGH, SHRI, B.Sc., LLM., D.LL., [B.J.P—Rajasthan, Dausa, 1989]:  s. of K.P. Singh; b. at Jaipur District, Rajasthan, January 1, 1954; ed. at Rajasthan University, Jaipur; m. Alka Singh, April 20, 1987, 1 s.; Agriculturist, Artiste, Lawyer, Trader; Previous Association with Political Parties:  Member, JP Parliamentary Board, Rajasthan, 1977, Member, JP Working Committee, Rajasthan, 1977-80, Member, JP National Committee, 1978-80; Secy. BJP, Rajasthan, 1982-84, Secy. Genl. BJP, Rajasthan, 1984-87, Vice-President, BJP, Rajasthan, 1988-89; Previous Membership:  Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79; Legislative Assembly, Rajasthan, 1980—December 1989;

Committee Experience:  Member, Committee on Subordinate Legislation 1980—85, Estimates Committee, 1985—87, Public Accounts Committee, 1987—89 and various other Committees, Rajasthan Legislative Assembly; Member, Committee on Agriculture, June 7, 1990 and Consultative Committee, Ministry of External Affairs, 1990;

Favourite Pastime and Recreation:  Reading, games, music, films;

Publications:  Articles in newspapers and magazines;

Delegation to Foreign Countries:  Member, Delegations to Syria and U.K.;

Travels Abroad:  West Germany, Syria, U.K.;

Sports and Clubs:  Cricket, Volley Ball, Badminton, Horse Riding;

Social Activities:  Public service, welfare of farmers and youth awakening; associated with Backward Classes Organisation, Rajasthan;

Other Information:  Imprisoned during Emergency for 19 months; Member, ABVP; Member, Western Railway Board; Conservator, Zoological Club of India;

Permanent Address:  5/3, Vidhayak Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan.