Murugesan , Shri Arasan

Murugesan , Shri Arasan

Party Name : All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam
Constituency : Chidambaram-SC
State : Tamil Nadu
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
MURUGESAN, SHRI ARASAN, B.Com., B.G.L., A.I.A.D.M.K., [Tamil Nadu—Chidambaram (Res. Sch. Castes)—1977]:  s. of Shri Arasan; b. at Vilagam village, South Arcot District, July 15, 1938; ed. at Annamalai University and Poudicherry Law College; m. Smt. Sentamil Selvi, July 15, 1973; 1 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist; previously associated with Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam; President, Harijan Co-operative Milk Supply Society, Vilagam since 1958; Director, Milk Supply Union, Chidambaram, 1969—77, President, Vilagam Panchayat since 1970; Vice-Chairman, Keerappalayam Panchayat Union, Chidambaram Taluk, 1970—77, Member, Chidambaram Untouchability Committee; Member, Hostel Selection Committee, Government Nandanar Boys and Girls High School, Chidambaram. Special interests:  Social work and agriculture.  Sports and clubs:  Badminton and football. Permanent address:  Pinnathur and Post, Chidambaram taluk, South Arcot District, Tamil Nadu.