Murahari , Shri Godey

Murahari , Shri Godey

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Vijayawada
State : Andhra Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
MURAHARI SHRI GODEY, Congress, (Andhra Pradesh—Vijayavada—1977):  s. of Shri G. Gangaraju; b. at Jamshedpur, Bihar, May 20, 1926; ed. at (i) Banaras Hindu University and (ii) Pachiappa's College, Madras; Bachelor; Publisher; was in the Congress, 1941—47 and also in the Socialist Group of the Party till it separated from the Congress; was jailed in 1943 in connection with the 'Quit India' movement and externed from Banaras District for over  two years till the establishment of the Interim; Government in 1946; underwent jail terms thrice for activities connected with the Socialist Party; General Secretary, All India Socialist Party, 1958-59; was Member, National Executive, Socialist Party and was Secretary of its Central Parliamentary Board, 1961-63; Member, (i) Institute of Social Culture and (ii) Jana Manch Madras, 1950—57; Secretary, All India Samajwadi Yuvak Sabha, 1957-58; Vice-President, Constitution Club, Delhi; Member, National Shipping Board, 1970-71; Member, Rajya Sabha, 1962—77; Member, (i) Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Geneva, and (ii) Executive Committee and also Chairman of the Commission on National Legislatures, World Constitution and Parliamentary Association; was Member, (i) Public Accounts Committee, 1966—68, and (ji) Committee on Public Undertakings, 1968-70; Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha, 1972—77,  presently Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha from April 1977 onwards; Vice-President, Indian Parliamentary Group, led the Indian Delegation to the Congress of the International Union of Socialist Youth, Copenhagen and to the Congress of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Berlin, 1954. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Cinema. Special interests:  Journalism, youth and cultural activities. Publications:  Edited 'Young World' (a weekly), 1956-57; Editor and Publisher, "Mankind' (monthly) and Publisher, 'Jan' a Hindi monthly. Travels abroad:  England, France, Holland, Belgium, Federal Republic of Germany, Yugoslavia, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Poland, U.S.S.R., Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, Australia, Japan, Philippines, Hong Kong, Lebanon, U.A.R., Rumania, Zambia, Canada, Italy, Guinea, Mali, Hungary, South and North Korea, Switzerland, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Greece, Singapore and US.A. Permanent address:  9/1, Barnaby Road, Kilpauk, Madras-10.