Mubarak Shah , Shri Khwaja

Mubarak Shah , Shri Khwaja

Party Name : National Conference
Constituency : Baramullah
State : Jammu and Kashmir
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 7

More Information :
MUBARAK SHAH, SHRI KHWAJA, B.A., LL.B.  [N.C.--Jammu and Kashmir, Baramulla, 1980]  s. of Khwaja Sikander Shah; b. at Baramulla, August 1, 1922; ed. at St. Joseph's Higher Secondary School, S.P. College, Srinagar, Government College Lahore, and Aligarh Muslim University; m. Smt. Hujra; Agriculturist and Lawyer; participated in freedom movement, imprisoned, 1945-47, imprisoned again, 1953-59; participated in the campaign (under the auspices of Gandhi Peace Foundation and Shri Jaya Prakash Narayan) for amity between India and Pakistan over Kashmir question; Minister, Government of Jummu and Kashmir, 1950-53, holding portfolios of Finance and Cooperation and again, 1972-75, holding portfolios of Agriculture,  Revenue, Health, Local Self-government etc; Ambassador to Sudan, 1976; Member, Working Committee, Jammu and Kashmir National Conference; Secretary, Bar Association; President, Central Cooperative Bank, 1949; Founder and Chairman of a number of Public Charitable Trusts;  Member, Jammu and Kashmir Constituent Assembly, 1950 and Secretary of its Committees on 'Basic Principles' and 'Fundamantal Human Rights', whose reports formed the basis of the State Constitution; Member, Jammu and Kashmir, Legislative Assembly, 1956 and again, 1973-76; Member, Rajya Sabha, 1978—January 1980; Member Goodwill Mission to Pakistan, 1964; Leader, Indian Delegation to the Commonwealth, Health Conference, Colombo, 1975.  Social activities: Organised a network of Cooperative Societies, Cooperative Supermarkets in the State for restructuring economic life; also organised fruit industry on cooperative lines—benefiting about 19 per cent of the State's population; Organised and established 3 religious endowments, 2 poor children's homes and schools and a women's welfare centre.   Favourite pastime and recreation : Reading, writing and farming.   Special interests : Foreign Affairs, problems of Agricultural peasants and Horticulture.   Publications : Many of the extension lectures and speeches delivered on various subjects in the Universities of Jammu and Kashmir and Sudan have been published in local papers; also contributed articles on different topics.  Travels abroad : U.K., France, Spain, North African Countries, Morocco, Chad, Mali, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Pakistan and Iran.   Permanent address : Noor Bagh, Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir.