Kolur , Shri Rajshekhar

Kolur , Shri Rajshekhar

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Raichur
State : Karnataka
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
KOLUR, SHRI RAJSHEKHAR, B. Com. B.L., Congress, (Karnataka—Raichur—1977):  s. of Shri Mallappa Kolur; b. at Rampur Village, Raichur District, December 31, 1936; ed. at Nrupathunga High School, Hyderabad, Nizam College, Hyderabad, Osmania University, Hyderabad, and Bangalore University; m. Smt. Shardamma Kolur, April 21, 1969; 2 s. and 2 d.; Advocate and Agriculturist; President, District Youth Congress, 1964—69, Convener, District Youth Congress Committee, Gulbarga, 1969—73; President, Block Congress Committee, Yadgiri, 1970—72; General Secretary, District Congress Committee, Gulbarga, 1970—73; Member, Municipal Council, 1969—72; presently Member, Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions. Social activities:  Organised Bharat Sevak Samaj Camp in erstwhile Hyderabad State; Secured sites to the siteless people among the weaker sections of society.

Favourite pastime and recreation:  Strolling in moonlight.

Special interests:  Uplift of downtrodden people specially agricultural labour.

Sports and dubs:  Football, Volleyball, Badminton and Swimming.

Permanent address:  Yadgiri P.O., Gulbarga District, Karnataka; and 4, Sheshadri Road, Bangalore-9, Karnataka.