Kochak , Shri Ghulam Rasul

Kochak , Shri Ghulam Rasul

Party Name : National Conference
Constituency : Anantnag
State : Jammu and Kashmir
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 7

More Information :
KOCHAK, SHRI GHULAM RASUL, M.A., LL.B. [(National Conference—Jammu and Kashmir, Anantnag, 1980]  s. of late Haji Ghulam Mohmad Kochak; b. at Anantnag, Anantnag District, January 1, 1930; ed. at Srinagar Degree College and Aligarh University; m. Smt. Habla Khatoon, 1946; 2 s. and 1 d.; Advocate, Agriculturist and Political and Social worker; fought against Dogra rule and other political upheavals in the State and had to undergo 11 years of detention in various Jails of Jammu and Kashmir State; was President of the All Jammu and Kashmir Plebiscite Front which was subsequently turned into National Conference and also had held other high offices in the organisation; presently Member, Committee on Petitions.   Social Activities : Born in a family devoted to public life, has been associated with political and public life since student days.   Favourite pastime and recreation : Reading and writing, prayers, sports and morning-walk.   Special interest : Public service.   Sports and clubs : Badminton; goes to clubs at times for social relationship.   Permanent address : Anantnag, Kashmir.