Khan , Shri Ismail Hossain

Khan , Shri Ismail Hossain

Party Name : Indian National Congress
Constituency : Barpeta
State : Assam
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
KHAN, SHRI ISMAIL HOSSAIN, B.A., LL.B., Congress, (Assam—Barpeta—1977):  s. of Shri L. Abdul Mozid Khan; b. at Hatijana Village, Kamrup District, August 1, 1935; ed. at Howli H. E. School, M. C. College, Barpeta and Gauhati University; m. Smt. Rabia Khanom; 1 s. and 3 d.; Lawyer; was Assistant Public Prosecutor, Barpeta, 1973—75; Member, Fifth Lok Sabha, 1975—77 (elected in a bye-election). Social activities:  Associated with various schools in backward rural areas.

Special interests:  Agriculture, cottage industries and basic education.

Sports and clubs:  Volleyball, badminton, football, carrom.

Permanent address:  Sonkuchi Village, Barpeta P.O., Kamrup District, Assam.