Kataria , Shri Gulab Chand

Kataria , Shri Gulab Chand

Party Name : Bharatiya Janata Party
Constituency : Udaipur
State : Rajasthan
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 9

More Information :
KATARIA, SHRI GULAB CHAND, M.A., B.Ed., LL.B. [BJ.P.—Rajasthan, Udaipur, 1989]:  s. of H.K. Kataria; b. at Dilwara, Udaipur District, Rajasthan, October 13, 1944; ed. at Udaipur University; m. Anita Kataria, May 1, 1968, 5 d.; Teacher, Lawyer; Previous Association with Political Parties:  Vice-President, Yuva Janata Party, Rajasthan, 1977—80; Secretary, BJP, Rajasthan, 1980—84; General Secretary, BJP Rajasthan, 1984 onwards; Previous Membership:  Legislative Assembly, Rajasthan, 1977—85; 

Committee Experience:  Member, Public Accounts Committee, 1977-78, Estimates Committee, 1978-85, Rajasthan Legislative Assembly; Member, Committee on Papers Laid on the Table, January 19, 1990 and Consultative Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, 1990; 

Favourite Pastime and Recreation:  Songs and drama, discussions, sports;

Special Interests:  Education; organising the tribal poor in the cause of their welfare;

Sports and Clubs:  Kabaddi;

Other Information:  Associated with RSS in various capacities since 1961; Divisional Secretary, ABVP, Udaipur, 1974-75; President, ABVP, Rajasthan, 1975—77; worked in the field of education during 1985—89;

Permanent Address:  141, Machla Magra S.N.11, Udaipur, Rajasthan.