Imam , Shri J. Mohamed

Imam , Shri J. Mohamed

Party Name : Swatantra Party
Constituency : Chitradurga
State : Mysore
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
IMAM, SHRI J. MOHAMED, B.A., B.L., Swa., (Mysore—Chitradurga—1967):  s. of Shri J. Bade Saheb; b. Jagalur, February 15, 1897; ed. at Central College, Bangalore and Madras Law College. University of Madras; m. Shrimati Chamanbi Imam, 1921; 1 s. and 4 d.; Agriculturist; Associated with P.S.P., 1953—59; President, Municipal Council, Jagalur, 1933—36; President, District Board Chitradurga Distt. 1936—40; Minister for Education  Railways and Public Works Government of Mysore, 1941—45; Member of University Council and Senate, 1928—1940 and 1946—51 and Member of the Syndicate of the University of Mysore since 1964; Member, Mysore Legislative Council, 1933—48; Member, Mysore State Constituent Assembly which functioned as Legislature for the State till 1952; Member and Leader of the Opposition, Mysore Legislative Assembly, 1952—57; Member, Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62 and also Member of the Panel of Chairmen in that Lok Sabha. Hobbies:  Gardening and Reading. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Playing Bridge. Special interest:  Kannada Literature. Books published:  'Noor-Jehan' and 'Mysore Now and Then'. Sports and clubs:  Member, Century Club, Bangalore. Travels abroad:  United Kingdom, West Germany and other countries in Europe. Permanent address:  Jagalur P.O. Mysore State.