Handoo , Shri Piyare Lal

Handoo , Shri Piyare Lal

Party Name : Jammu and Kashmir National Conference
Constituency : Anantnag
State : Jammu and Kashmir
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 9

More Information :
HANDOO, SHRI PIYARE LAL, MA., LL.B. [J & K, N.C.—Jammu and Kashmir, Anantnag, 1989]:  s. of Nand Lal Handoo; b. at Anantnag District, October 27, 1927; ed, at Lucknow University, Uttar Pradesh; m. Bhagwati, November 11, 1948, 2 s. and 3 d.; Lawyer, Political and Social Worker, Teacher; participated in freedom struggle; Public Offices held:  Minister, J & K, September 1982—July 1984, March 1987—December 1989; Previous Association with Political Parties:  Member, Provincial Working Committee, Democratic National Conference, Jammu and Kashmir, for 2 years, Member, Working Committee NC, Jammu and Kashmir, for 9 years; 

Previous Membership:  Legislative Assembly, Jammu and Kashmir, 1977-89;

Committee Experience:  Chairman, Committee on Public Accounts and Committee on Public Undertakings, Jammu and Kashmir, Legislative Assembly for two years each; Member, various Joint Committees, Jammu and Kashmir, Legislative Assembly from time to time; Member, Committee on Environment and Forests, June 7, 1990 and Consultative Committee, Ministry of Home Affairs, 1990;

Favourite Pastime and Recreation:  Reading, social work;

Publications:  A thesis on George Bernard Shaw and his Political Plays (Thesis submitted for M.A. Examination);

Delegation to Foreign Countries:  Member, IPD to CPA Conference at Canada, 1977;

Travels Abroad:  Canada, USA; 

Sports and Clubs:  Swimming; Social Activities:  Rendered assistance in rural development and in destitute widows welfare;

Other Information:  Member, Debt Conciliation Board, Land Laws Committee and Cooperative Loans Committee;

Permanent Address:  Ganjiwara; Forest Road, Anantnag, Jammu & Kashmir.