Halder , Shri Kansari

Halder , Shri Kansari

Party Name : Communist Party
Constituency : Mathurapur-SC
State : West Bengal
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
HALDER, SHRI KANSARI, Comm., [West Bengal—Mathurapur (Reserved-Sch. Castes) — 1967]: s. of Shri Narendra Krishna Halder: b. Vill. Andaria, September 15, 1910; ed. at Rippon College and Bangabasi College of Calcutta University; unmarried; wholetime organiser of Communist Party; joined the Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930 and suffered imprisonment during student life; worked in the Congress organisation upto 1941 when he left that party and joined the Communist Party; was Vice-President and President, Noopur Union Board, 1937—42; organised relief work during Bengal famine in 1941; also organised Kisans to fight flood, famine and exploitation by land-lords in Sundarbans of 24 -Paraganas during that time; elected to Lok  Sabha in 1957, while underground sentenced to life imprisonment by Special Tribunal, Alipur, in 1960 and released by High Court honourably in 1962.  Favourite pastime and recreation:  Gardening and travelling. Permanent address:  P.O. Serakole, District 24-Paraganas, West Bengal.