Gupta , Shri Ram Krishan

Gupta , Shri Ram Krishan

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Hissar
State : Haryana
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
GUPTA, SHRI RAM KRISHAN, B.A., LL.B., Cong., (Haryana—Hissar—1967): s. of Shri Kanshi Ram; b. at Barnala Mandi (Punjab), May 27, 1918; ed. at Vaish High School, Rohtak, D.A.V. College, Banaras, D.A V. College and Law College. Lahore; m. Shrimati Sita Devi February,1944:2 S. and 3 D: Pleader for sometime and now wholetime Congress worker; Took part in the Quit India movement and suffered imprisonment for 16 months; General Secretary—(1) Punjab State Forward Bloc. 1944—45: (2) Lahore Students Association, 1944-45; (3) Punjab Students Congress, 1945-46; (4) All India Students Congress, 1946-47; (5) Jind State Praja Mandal, 1946-47; was arrested in connection with labour movement in 1947; General Secretary, Mohindergarh District Congress Committee, 1947-48 and 1952—55; President, Mohindergarh District Congress Committee, 1955-56; Convener, Sardar Patel Memorial Fund Committee for District Mohindergarh. 1955—59 and Bhoodan Samiti, District Mohindergarh, 1958—60; President (1) Dalmia Dadri Cement Workers' Union, 1954-55; (2) Dalmia Dadri Bar Association, 1954-55; (3) Dadri Education Society since 1960 and also its founder; Founder and President of Haryana Development Trust since 1966; General Secretary, Haryana Pradesh Congress Committee, August 1966 to November, 1967; President, Haryana Pradesh Congress Committee since 18th August, 1966; Member, First Lok Sabha, August 1955—February, 1957 and Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62. Social activities: Keenly interested in educational and labour activities; Took part in Bhoodan movement; established Gandhi College at Charkhi Dadri, Haryana. Favourite pastime and recreation: Travelling, study.  Travels abroad: U.A.R., Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, East Germany, West Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, U.K., Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Permanent address: Charkhi Dadri, Haryana.