Ering , Shri D.

Ering , Shri D.

Party Name : Congress
Constituency :
State :
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
ERlNG, SHRI D., B.A., Cong. (Nominated - N.E.F.A., 1967):  s. of Shri T. Ering; b. at Village Mirmir, Pasighat, N.E.F.A.; March 1930; ed. at Gauhati University; m. Shrimati O. Ering, 1951; 2 s. and 2 d.; Political Worker, Language Officer in Pasighat, N.E.F.A.. 1952-54; Asstt. Political Officer II, 1954—60: Asstt. Political Officer I, 1960-1961 (in the cadre of Indian Frontier Administrative Service); Member, Second Lok Sabha, 1961-62; Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, Minister of External Affairs and Minister of Home Affairs; Member, Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67; Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture,  Community Development and Co-operation, 1967.   Social activities:  Keenly interested In the uplift of the backward people; President, Adimising Student's Union; Executive Chairman, IFUNA, New Delhi; Patron-in-Chief, Juba Sampradaya (Regd.), New Delhi; and Monab Sanskrit Sangh (Regd.), Calcutta; Trustee Member, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund; Member, Screening Committee of Bharatiya Adamjati Sevak Sangh, New Delhi. Hobbies:  Music, Swimming, driving, riding, fishing and hunting. Pastime and recreation:  Reading. Special interests:  Social Welfare activities. Sports and Clubs:  Swimming Volleyball, Hockey and Football. Travels abroad:  U.S.A.. U.K. and many Eastern Countries. Permanent address:  Village Mirmir, P.O. Pasighat, N.E.F.A.