Deshmukh, Shri K. D.

Deshmukh, Shri K. D.

Party Name : Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Constituency : Balaghat
State : Madhya Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 15

Father's Name : Shri Bathuji Deshmukh
Mother's Name : Smt. Tejubai Deshmukh
Date of birth : 01 Jan 1949
Profession : Agriculturist
Positions held :
1977-1992 Member, Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly2009 Elected to 15th Lok Sabha31 Aug. 2009 Member, Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers12 Dec. 2013 Resigned from 15th Lok Sabha
More Information :
Special Interests
Helping the poor and deprived sections of society