Choubey , Shri Narayan

Choubey , Shri Narayan

Party Name : Communist Party of India
Constituency : Midnapore
State : West Bengal
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 8

More Information :
CHOUBEY, SHRI NARAYAN, B.Sc., [C.P.I.—West Bengal, Midnapore, 1984]  s. of late Shri Nagendra Nath Choubey; b. at Pathakpara Village, Bankura District, January 1923; ed. at Midnapore College, Calcutta University; m. Smt. Gouri Choubey, June 16, 1959; 2 s. and 1 d.; Social and Political Worker;  Member, (i) National Council, Communist Party  of India, (ii) General Council, All India Trade Union Congress and (iii) I.I.T. Council, 1983-84; President, (i) All India Trade Union Congress, Midnapore District, (ii) Bengal Motion Pictures Employees Union, Midnapore District, (iii) Thikadar Mazdoor Union, Midnapore District, and (iv) Metal Box Employees Union, Kharagpur; Member, West Bengal Legislative Assembly, 1957—69; Member, Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980— 84; Member, (i) Public Undertakings Committee, 1983-84 and (ii) Joint Committee on Vishwa Bharati (Amendment) Bill, 1981-83.

Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading books, seeing good dramas and to participate in debates and discourses. Special interests:  'Bustee' improvement and improvement of leper colony at Kharagpur. Sports and clubs:  Hockey, Basketball and Volleyball. Travels abroad:  U.S.S.R., Democratic Republic of Germany, Federal Republic of Germany and Algeria. Permanent address:  C.P.I. Office P.O. Kharagpur, District Midnapore, West Bengal-721301.