Chavan , Shri Ashok Shankarrao

Chavan , Shri Ashok Shankarrao

Party Name : Indian National Congress
Constituency : Nanded
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 16

Father's Name : Shri Shankarrao Bhaurao Chavan
Mother's Name : Smt. Kusumtai Shankarrao Chavan
Date of birth : 28 Oct 1958
Profession : Agriculturist Businessperson
Positions held :
1985 Chairman, Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana, Nanded City1986 - 1995 Vice-President and General Secretary, Maharashtra Pradesh Youth Congress Committee1987 - 1989 Elected to 8th Lok SabhaMember, Divisional Rail Users Consultative Committee, HyderabadMember, Advisory Committee South Central, Ministry of RailwayMember, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and PensionsMember, Standing Committee on Environment and Forests1991 - 1992 Member, Advisory Panel, Central Film Censor Board, Mumbai1992 - 1998 Member, Maharashtra Legislative Council1993 - 1995 Minister of State for Public Works, Urban Development and Home, Govt. of Maharashtra1995 - 1999 General Secretary, Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee1999 - 2001 Member, Zonal Rail Users Consultative Committee of South Central Railways1999 - May, 2014 Member, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly (Three Terms)1999 - 2003 Minister for Revenue and Protocol, Govt. of Maharashtra2003 - 2004 Minister for Transport, Ports, Culture Affairs and Protocol, Govt. of Maharashtra2004 - 2008 Minister for Industries, Mining, Culture Affairs and Protocol, Govt. of Maharashtra2008 - 2010 Chief Minister, Govt. of Maharashtra (Two Times)May, 2014 Re-elected to 16th Lok Sabha (2nd term)14 Aug. 2014 - 30 April 2017 Member, Committee on Estimates1 Sep. 2014 onwards Member, Standing Committee on Urban DevelopmentMember, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Civil AviationMember, Hindi Salahkar Samiti, Ministry of Human Resource Development2 March 2015 onwards President : Maharashtra Pradesh Congress (I)3 July 2015 Member, Sub Committee-III, Committee on Estimates
More Information :
Social And Cultural Activities
Social:- Actively involved in different Social activities specially Mass Marriage Programme for the benefit of people belonging to economically weaker sections and below poverty line families. Cultural:- Actively associated with many cultural activities, specially organized by "Sharada Bhavan Education Society", in the month of February by the Title "Sangeet Shankar Darbar" a national level cultural event in the Memory of Late Dr. Shankarrao Chavan.
Special Interests
Reading, Travelling
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Table Tennis
Countries Visited
Australia, China, Egypt, France, Hong Kong (People`s Republic of China), Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, U.K., U.S.A. and U.S.S.R.
Other Information
President, Sai Sevabhavi Trust, Nanded, (Charitable Voluntary Organization), 1987 and Sharada Bhavan Education Society, Nanded, 2004 Chief Promoter, Bhaurao Chavan Co-operative Sugar Factory Ltd., Laximinagar, (Degaon-Yelegaon) Tal & Distt. Nanded, Maharashtra, 1990