Basheer , Shri Thalekkunil

Basheer , Shri Thalekkunil

Party Name : Congress (I)
Constituency : Chirayinkil
State : Kerala
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 9

More Information :
BASHEER, SHRI, THALEKKUNIL, B.Sc., LL.B. [Congress (I)—Kerala, Chirayinkil, 1989]:  s. of Meera Sahib; b. at Pullampara, Trivandrum District, Kerala, March 7, 1945; ed. at Mahatma Gandhi College, Trivandrum, Govt. Law College, Trivandrum; m. Suhra Basheer, April 24, 1975, 1 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist, Lawyer; Previous Association with Political Parties:  Gen. Secy. State Youth Congress, 1974—76, President, DCC(I) Kerala, 1979—88; Previous Membership:  Rajya Sabha, 1977—84; Lok Sabha 1984-89; Legislative Assembly, Kerala, December 1977—April 1978;

Committee Experience:  Member, Committee on Subordinate Legislation, 1980-82, Estimates Committee, Lok Pal Select Committee and Joint Parliamentary Committee on Bofors, Eighth Lok Sabha; Member, Railway Convention Committee, February 6, 1990 and Consultative Committee, Ministry of External Affairs, 1990; 

Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Reading, films, arts; Publications:  Editor, Janmabhoomi and Chandrakantham; articles in Malayalam periodicals;

Delegation to Foreign Countries:  Member, IPD to Hungary, Egypt, North Korea and other Indian-delegations to USSR, East Germany, Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq;

Travels Abroad:  Afghanistan, Egypt, East Germany, Hungary, Korea, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, USSR, Yemen, Jordan, Iraq;

Social Activities:  An active social worker;

Other Information: President, Forum for Art, Literature and Cultural Action; President, Kerala University Union, 1974, President, Trivandrum Law College Union, 1973;

Permanent Address:  Pullampara Via Vejaramood, Trivandrum, Kerala, Tel. No. 68410.