Barot , Shri Maganbhai

Barot , Shri Maganbhai

Party Name : Congress (I)
Constituency : Ahmedabad
State : Gujarat
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 7

More Information :
BAROT, SHRI MAGANBHAI, B.A. (Hons), LL.B. [Congress (I)—Gujarat, Ahmedabad, 1980]  s. of Shri Ranchhoddas Barot; b. at Janghral Village, Patan Taluk, Mehsana District, August 8, 1927; ed. at Baroda College, Wilson College, Bombay and Government Law College, Bombay; m. Smt. Lila Barot, January 1, 1954; 2 s. and I d.; Advocate; was Standing Counsel of Government of India in Gujarat High Court, 1971-72; previously associated with Samyukta Socialist Party; Minister of State Education, Labour and Housing, 1973-74 and Minister of State for Education, Sports and Cultural Activities, 1976-77, in Government of Gujarat; Hony. Professor, Sir L. A. Law College, Ahmedabad for 10 years; President, Textile Mazdoor Union; Ahmedabad since 1972; Acting President, S.T. Workers' Union, Gujarat; Member, Gujarat Legislative Assembly, 1972-75 and 1975-79; presently Member, Business Advisory Committee; Delegate of the I.S.S.U.C. to U.S.S.R.., 1979. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading Literature.  Special interests:  Foreign Affairs, Labour, Education, Housing.  Sports and clubs:  Member, Sports Club, Ahmedabad.  Permanent address:  Lavanya, Near Sardar Stadium, Ahmedabad-14, Gujarat.