Bangarappa , Shri S.

Bangarappa , Shri S.

Party Name : Samajwadi Party
Constituency : Shimoga
State : Karnataka
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 14

Father's Name : Shri Kallappa
Mother's Name : Smt. Kallamma
Date of birth : 26 Oct 1933
Profession : Agriculturist Advocate
Positions held :
1967-96 Member, Karnataka Legislative Assembly1977-78 Minister of State, Home, Government of Karnataka1978-79 Cabinet Minister, P.W.D., Government of Karnataka1979-80 President, Pradesh Congress Committee [P.C.C. (I)], Karnataka1980-81 Minister, Revenue and Agriculture, Government of Karnataka1985-87 Leader of Opposition, Karnataka Legislative Assembly1989-90 Minister, Agriculture and Horticulture, Government of Karnataka1990-92 Chief Minister, Karnataka1996 Elected to 11th Lok Sabha1999 Re-elected to 13th Lok Sabha (2nd term)1999-2000 Member, Committee on DefenceMember, Committee on Petitions1999-2000 and 2000-2001 Member, Committee on Estimates2000-2004 Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Textiles2004 Re-elected to 14th Lok Sabha( 3rd term)Member, Committee to review the Rate of Dividend payable by the Railway Undertaking to General RevenuesMember, Committee on Defence10 March 2005 Resigned from Lok Sabha5 Aug. 2007 onwards Member, Standing Committee on Defence5 June 2005 Re-elected in a bye-electionFebruary 2009 Resigned w.e.f. 12 February, 2009
More Information :
Literary, Artistic & Scientific Accomplishments
Singer and patron of both Hindustani and Karnatic classical music
Social And Cultural Activities
Consistently fought for the welfare of the poor farming community and initiated many voluntary social welfare projects in Shimoga area
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Music, drama and sports
Sports and Clubs
Keen badminton player; Member, K.G.S. Club, Bangalore
Countries Visited
Italy, Singapore, U.K. and U.S.A.