Badrudduja , Syed

Badrudduja , Syed

Party Name : Independent Democratic Party
Constituency : Murshidabad
State : West Bengal
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
BADRUDDUJA, SYED, M.A.. LL.B., Independent Democratic Party, (West Bengal—Murshidabad-I967):  s. of late Syed Abdul Ghafur; b. at Vill. Talibpur, District Murshidabad, January 4, 1900; ed. at  Salar  H.E.  School and Kagram  H.E.  School Murshidabad, Calcutta  Madrassa,  Presidency  Collage,  Calcutta and the University of Calcutta ;  m. Begum  Rakeea  Khatoon ;  4 s. and 6 d.; Lawyer; Previously associated with Krishak Praja Party and the Muslim League; was Secretary, (i) Progressive Muslim League, (ii) Progressive Assembly Party, Bengal, (iii) Progressive Coalition Party, Bengal; President, (i) Culcutta Muslim Students' Association, (ii) Anjuman-i-Taraqqi Urdu, West Bengal, (iii) West Bengal, Relief and Rehabilitation Samity, (iv) Calcutta Muslim Institute; Vice-President, All Bengal Muslim Youngmen Association; President, Independent Democratic Party; Councillor, Corporation of Calcutta, 1940—44; Mayor Corporation of Calcutta, 1943-44; Member, (i) Bengal Legislative Assembly, 1940—46, (ii) Bengal Legislative Council, 1946-47, (iii) West Bengal Legislative Assembly, 1948—52 and 1957—62; Member, Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67. Social activities:  Relief of the distressed people.  Favourite pastime and recreation:  Studies. Special interests:  Studies in cultural, religious and political subjects. Travels abroad:  Burma and Pakistan. Permanent address:  19, European Asylum Lane, Calcutta-16.