Badri Narayan , Shri A.R.

Badri Narayan , Shri A.R.

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Shimoga
State : Karnataka
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
BADRI NARAYAN, SHRI A.R., B.A., B.L., Congress, (Karnataka—Shimoga—1977):  s. of Shri A. Ramakrishna Iyengar; b. at Anandapuram, November 21, 1906; ed. at Mysore and Madras Universities; m. Smt. Ratnamma, April 1926; 2 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist; President, District Congress Committee; Treasurer, Pradesh Congress Committee; Member, (i) All India Congress Committee, and (ii) Executive Committee; President, Shimoga District Board; Chairman, All-India Malnad Conference; Director, Mysore Bank; President, (i) Desiya Vidyasala, Shimoga and (ii) All-India Institute of Sanskrit Studies; Member, Karnataka Legislative Assembly 1957-62, 1967-72 and 1972-77 and Karnataka Legislative Council 1940-43 and 1964-67; Chairman, (i) Estimates Committee, and (ii) Wages Enquiry (Legislative) Committee; was Education Minister, Government of Karnataka, in 1972. Social activities:  Meeting people and resolving their grievances; Harijan uplift; Hindu-Muslim unity; associated with various educational institutions. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading, walking and gardening.

Special interests:  Arts, music and educational activities.

Travels abroad:  U.K., U.S.A., Canada and other continental countries.

Permanent adress:  48, Jayamalal Extension, Bangalore, Karnataka.