Amrit Kaur , Rajkumari

Amrit Kaur , Rajkumari

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Mandi - Mahasu-SC
State : Himachal Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 1

More Information :
AMRIT KAUR, RAJKUMARI, Cong. (Himachal Pradesh— Mandi-Mahasu-1952): D. of Raja Harnam Singh of Kapurthala; B. February  2, 1889, Kapurthala Palace, Lucknow; ed. at home and then in school and college in England; Social worker of many years standing; Secretary to Mahatma Gandhi for 16 years; Served on Board of Trustees of All India Spinners Association and of Hindustani Talimi Sangh during Gandhiji's life-time; Worked for All India Women's Conference from its inception in 1927; Has been its ex-Chairwoman and President; Worked also for the All India Women's Education Fund Association and is still Chairwoman of its Governing Body; Gave evidence on behalf of All India Women's Conference and other Women's organisation before Lord Lothian's Franchise Committee in 1332 and on behalf of them again in London in 1933 before Joint Select Committee of British Parliament; Was one of the first member of Advisory Board of Education of Government of India and served on it for many years; Went with India  Delegation as Deputy Leader to UNESCO in 1945 and 1946 to London and Paris respectively; Led Indian Delegations to World Health Organisation in 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951 and 1953; Elected President of World Health Assembly in 1950; Chief Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade in India and Chairwoman of Managing Body of Indian Red Cross Society; Vice-President. Standing Commission, International Red Cross; Vice-Chairman, Board of Governors, League of Red Cross Societies; Member of Jallianwalabagh National Memorial Trust; Trustee, Gandhi Smarak Nidhi; President, All India Conference of Social Work, 1948-49; President, Indian Leprosy Association and T.B. Association in India; Minister for Health, Government of India, from 1947; Additional charge of Communications portfolio, August 1951-May 1952. Sports: A lover of sports and a keen Tennis player having won many Tennis Championships. Special interest: Loves children and flowers. Permanent Address: "Manorville", Summer Hill, Simla-West.