Alagesan Mudaliar , Shri O.V.

Alagesan Mudaliar , Shri O.V.

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Arakkonam
State : Tamil Nadu
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 4 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
ALAGESAN, SHRI O. V. Congress, (Tamil Nadu— Arakonam—1977) :  s. of Shri Viswanatha Mudaliar; b. at Ozhalur Village, Chengalpattu District, September 6, 1911; ed. at Presidency College, Madras, 1928-30; m. Smt. Pattammal, June 1937; 1 s. and 3 d.; Agriculturist; discontinued studies in 1930 to join Salt Satyagraha movement under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and suffered imprisonment; participated in (i) Civil Disobedience movement; (ii) Individual Satyagraha movement; (iii) Quit India movement; imprisoned for more than three years; Secretary, (i) Chengalpattu Taluk Congress Committee, 1930—35; (ii) Chengalpattu District Congress Committee, 1935—45; (iii) Tamil Nadu Congress Committee, 1945—48; President, Tamil Nadu Congress Committee, 1959—62; Member, (i) All-India Congress Committee since 1948, (ii) Executive Committee, Congress Parliamentary Party, 1977, Vice-President, Chengalpattu District Board, 1938—42; Founder-President of Bhaktavatsalam Educational Trust registered in 1958, which runs the following institutions; (i) Bhaktavalsalam Shastiabda Purthi High School, Athur; (ii) Bhaktavatsalam Polytechnic, Kancheepuram, (iii) Sarojini Varadappan Girls High School, Poonamalle, all in Chengalpatttu District; (iv) Brindavan Public School, Coonoor, Nilgiri District; and (v) a branch of the above school at Athur.  In addition to the above, the Trust runs, (i) a Thevaram class at Kancheepuram; (ii) a Nalayira Divya Prabanda class at Chengalpattu and (iii) a Veda Padasala at Athur; Chairman, Ship Repairs Committee, 1958-59; Ambassador of India to Ethiopia, 1968-71; Chairman, Thirupani Trust, registered in 1972; Member, (i) Constituent Assembly of India and Constituent Assembly (Legislative), 1946—50; (ii) Provisional Parliament, 1950—52; (iii) First Lok Sabha 1952—57; (iv) Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67; Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971—77; Union Deputy Minister for Transport and Railways, 1952—57; Minister of State for Irrigation and Power, 1962-63; Minister of State for Mines and Fuel, 1963; Minister of State for Petroleum and Chemicals, 1963—66; resigned from Ministership during the anti-Hindi agitation in Tamil Nadu in 1965; presently Member, (i) Committee on Public Undertakings and (ii) Privileges Committee. Social activities:  Actively engaged in the work of removal of untouchability, service of Harijans and prohibition work since 1930.

Favourite pastime and recreation:  Walking.

Special interests:  Study of Tamil and Sanskrit poetry, visiting temples and ancient monuments, renovation of places of architectural interest; promotion of education and Indian culture.

Publications:  Translated "Glimpses of World History" by Jawaharlal Nehru from English into Tamil; Contributed several articles in English and Tamil on subjects of literary interest.

Travels abroad:  U.K., France, Holland, Switzerland, West Germany, Italy, Austria, U.S.A., Canada, Japan, HongKong and Thailand.

Permanent address:  "Sarayu" Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu.