Acharia , Shri Basudeb

Acharia , Shri Basudeb

Party Name : Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Constituency : Bankura
State : West Bengal
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 9 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 15

Father's Name : Late Shri Kanailal Acharia
Mother's Name : Smt. Konak Lata Acharia
Date of birth : 11 Jul 1942
Profession : Trade Unionist Social Worker
Positions held :
1980 Elected to 7th Lok Sabha1981 Member, Secretariat, Communist Party of India (Marxist) [C.P.I.(M)], Distt. Committee, PuruliaMember, State Committee, C.P.I.(M), West Bengal1984 Re-elected to 8th Lok Sabha (2nd term)1985 onwards Member, State Committee, C.P.I.(M), West Bengal1985-89 Member, Railway Convention Committee1986-89 Member, Joint Select Committee on Railways Bill1989 Re-elected to 9th Lok Sabha (3rd term)1990-91 Chairman, Committee on Public UndertakingsMember, House CommitteeMember, General Purposes Committee1990-96 Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Railways1991 Re-elected to 10th Lok Sabha (4th term)1993-95 Member, Committee on Public Undertakings1993-96 Chairman, Committee on Government AssurancesMember, Committee on Railways1996 Re-elected to 11th Lok Sabha (5th term)1996-97 Chairman, Committee on RailwaysMember, Panel of ChairmanMember, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Industry1998 Re-elected to 12th Lok Sabha (6th term)Member, Panel of Chairman, Lok Sabha1998-99 Convenor, Sub-Committee on Power, Committee on EnergyMember, Committee on Energy and its Sub-Committees on Coal and Action Taken ReportsMember, Committee of PrivilegesMember, General Purposes CommitteeMember, Committee to review the rate of dividend payable by the Railway Undertakings to General RevenuesMember, Consultative Committee, Ministry of IndustrySpecial Invitee, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Railways1999 Re-elected to 13th Lok Sabha (7th term)1999-2004 Chairman, Committee on PetitionsMember, Committee on EnergyMember, General Purposes Committee2000-2004 Member, Consultative Committee Ministry of Railways Special Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Industry2004 Re-elected to 14th Lok Sabha( 8th term) Leader, CPI (M) Parliamentary Party, Lok Sabha Chairman, Committee on Railways Member, Rules Committee Member, General Purposes CommitteeMember, Committee on Security in Parliament ComplexMember, Committee on Installation of Portraits/Statues of National Leaders and Parliamentarian in Parliament HouseMember, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Heavy Industry & Public EnterprisesSpecial Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Power5 Aug. 2007 Chairman, Committee on Railways2008 Member, Central Committee CPI (M)2009 Re-elected to 15th Lok Sabha (9th term)Leader, CPI (M) Parliamentary Party, Lok SabhaJun. 2009 Member, Panel of Chairmen, Lok Sabha29 Jun. 2009 Member, Business Advisory Committee31 Aug. 2009 Chairman, Committee on Agriculture19 Oct. 2009 Member, General Purposes CommitteeMember, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public EnterprisesSpecial Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Power
More Information :
Countries Visited
Iraq (Baghdad), Former U.S.S.R.; Member, Indian Parliamentary Delegations to Mongolia, (1985); and U.K., (1990); participated in International Conference on `Peace and Solidarity` at Pyongyang, North Korea; visited Oman, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy and Slovak Republic as member of Delegation led by the President of India, (1996); attended (i) UN General Assembly Session, (1999); (ii) World Solidarity Conference, Havana, (2000); (iii) Solidarity and fraternal relation between CITU and Zenroren, National Confederation of Trade Unions, Tokyo,Japan,(September,2009) and the World Federation of Trade Unions, Brussels, (October 2009)
Other Information
President:(i) West Bengal Railway Contracter Labour Union; (ii) Purulia District Committee (CITU); (iii) LIC Agent organisation of India; (iv) DVC Contractor Workers Union; (v) Santhaldihi Thermal Power Plant, Thikader Shramik Union; (vi) Damodar Cement and Slag Workers Union; Vice-President (i) All India Centre, Indian Trade Union; (ii) DVC Shramik Union and (iii) Colliery Mazdoor Sabha of India; Member, (i) Central Committee CPI (M); (ii) General Council, CITU; (iii) Working Committee, CITU, West Bengal