Abdus Sattar , Shri

Abdus Sattar , Shri

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Kalna-Katwa
State : West Bengal
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 1

More Information :
ABDUS SATTAR, SHRI, B.A., B.L., Cong. (West Bengal— Kalna-Katwa—1952): S. of Late Shri Shamsher Ali; B. at Tola, District Burdwan, 1912; ed. at City College, Calcutta and Calcutta University Law College; m. Shrimati Nurunessa Sattar, April 29, 1939; 3 S. and 1 D.; Member, Kalna Local Board; Member, Distract Board, Burdwan; 1942—51; Member, A.I.C.C. since 1936; General Secretary, Burdwan D.C.C., 1935—40 and 1945—51; Assistant Secretary, Bengal P.C.C., 1941—49; Secretary,  West Bengal P.C.C. since 1950; President, Burdwan D.C.C. since 1951; President, Khani Mazdoor Congress, 1948—50; Vice-President, Colliery Mazdoor Congress; President, Burdwag,District Primary Teachers' Association; President, Burdwan Bus Association; President, Bengal and Assam Post and Telegraph (including R.M.S.) Lower Grade Staff Union since 1951; Member, District School Board, 1944—51; Member, District Minority Board since 1950; Member, Regional Transport Authority, Burdwan; Suffered imprisonment in 1930, 1932, 1933, 1942, in connection with freedom movements; Interested in social uplift of Harijans and coal mine and industrial labourers and backward classes; Hindu-Muslim unity, mass literacy campaigns and establishing educational institutions in rural areas. Elected to the Provisional Parliament in September, 1950. Accomplishments in Arts and Science: Humorist and critic in Bengali literature and a good speaker. Special interest: Journalism. Permanent address: Village Tola, P.O. Baidyapur, District Burdwan.