Supply of Good Quality Water and Highest Priority to Sanitation Programmes in the Interntional Sanitation Year

for Ministry of Rural Development | Date - 15-05-2008

Union Minister for Rural Development Dr. Raghuvansh Prasad Singh has stressed upon the supply of good quality water and highest priority to sanitation programmes in the Interntional Sanitation Year. Addressing a press conference here today the minister detailed about the out come of the recent two day meeting of State Secretaries in-charge of rural drinking water supply and sanitation to review the implementation of rural drinking water and sanitation programmes and to discuss various related issues to achieve drinking water security in rural areas, improved sanitation and universal access to toilets in rural areas of the country.

Dr.Singh said that the sustainability of water sources and convergence among various programmes to achieve drinking water security is of utmost importance and called upon the states to incetivise the community efforts to achieve drinking water security by taking over full responsibility of management, operation and maintenance of water supply schemes and drinking water sources in the villages by instituting a suitable award viz. Sajal Gram Puraskar. He said a National Rural Drinking Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance programme was launched in 2006 by providing 100% funds as grants to he States training 5 persons in each Gram Panchayats to carry out water testing and keep surveillance on drinking water so that water borne diseases can be prevented.

The minister laid special emphasis on Bharat Nirman and said that it is is one of the major initiatives of the Government, started in the 2005-06 under which 6 components inter-alia which includes rural drinking water. During Bharat Nirman period, 6.03 lakh habitations are to be covered and or addressed for water quality problem. In the first 3 years of the Bharat Nirman programme, impressive gains have been made. However, there are few States who needs to expedite the implementation of the programme to achieve full targets set under Bharat Nirman. During 2007-08, Rs. 6,426 crore under the accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP) has been provided to States. During 2008-09, part of 1st installment has also been released to States on 1st April itself so that there is no paucity of funds. Since 2006-07, revised Sub-mission on water quality has been launched to tackle water quality problems. He said under 12th Finance Commission recommendations, Rs. 20,000 crore has been allocated to PRIs out of which 50% funds have been earmarked for operation and maintenance of water supply & sanitation and under Bharat Nirman all water quality affected habitations are to be addressed by March, 2009. He said a High Powered Technical Expert Group (TEG) to examine various emerging issues in drinking water and sanitation sector and suggest measures to tackle the new challenges under the Chairmanship of founder Mission Director and ex-Chief of Water & Sanitation, UNICEF, Shri Gourishankar Ghosh has also been set up.

The Minister said During the Bharat Nirman period, 55,067 un-covered and about 3.31 lakh slipped-back habitations are to be covered and 2.17 lakh quality-affected habitations are to be addressed. (total 6.03 lakh habitations).In 2005-06, against the target of 56,270 habitations to be covered, 97,215 habitations have been covered.In 2006-07, against the target to cover 73,120 habitations, 1,07,350 habitations have been covered. During 2007-08, as per information received from States/ UTs upto February, 2008, 1.55 lakh habitations have been covered/ addressed : 9,558 un-covered and 55,749 slipped-back habitations have been covered, and 90,172 quality-affected habitations have been reported to be addressed.

Dr. singh said all Arsenic affected habitations have been addressed with projects and projects for most of the quality-affected habitations too have been approved. In 2007-08, more than 47,000 rural schools too have been covered. Out of total 8.53 lakh schools, only about 46 thousand rural schools are left, which will be covered by June, 2008. During 2007-08, Rs. 6,426 crore has been provided to States for rural water supply.

The minister also spoke of the Total Sanitation Campaign and appreciated that the efforts of the States has resulted in Sanitation coverage 54.00% in 2008. He said ). All States were asked to release funds for the projects immediately to the Gram Panchayats for implementation. During review, it was ascertained that work has started in 88% of the Panchayats. Some of the States not having Panchayats like Jharkhand, are facing some difficulty, but assured that work will start in the current year in all villages.

Dr. Singh said the Nirmal Gram Puraskar has been a unique tool for mobilization of Gram Panchayats in seeking their active participation in the Sanitation Campaign. Till now, over 5000 Gram Panchayats have already been awarded the Puraskar. These GPs should be used as motivating centers to ensure that atleast 10 other surrounding villages become “Nirmal”. For the year 2008, over 31000 applications have been received and are being verified in the field. All States were asked to ensure that all Block / Mandal Headquarters falling under rural Panchayat area should be targeted on priority under TSC and should be able to apply for Nirmal Gram Puraskar within the year. This would have a great demonstrative effect for all other GPs in the area.

The minister said Year 2008 is the International Year of Sanitation as declared by the United Nations and India is a host of SACOSAN to be held in November 2008, he also highlighted the need to achieve full sanitation coverage and said that the state have been advised to devise statutory and administrative norms in this regard. Dr. Singh also laid stress on monitoring of works by States at district and Panchayat level and said that instructions has been issued to ensure provision of 100 percent toilets provided in all IAY houses and rural schools. He repeatedly stressed on the awareness and information and said that the last person in the village is the key to success for the Total Sanitation Campaign. He also spoke of the Guidelines provided for incentives to any motivator of the village like ASHA workers, Anganwadi Workers, School Teachers etc. for interpersonal motivation. Most of the States have been using this provision to provide for honorarium to such motivators. The Minister also suggested that States may look into the proposal to debar any person from contesting Panchayat elections if she/he does not have a toilet in his house. Sikkim informed that this direction has already been issued in the State. The States were also requested to examine proposal of having a toilet in the house a mandatory requirement for selection of PDS dealership.


(Release ID :38895)

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)