Flow of Ganga

for Ministry of Water Resources | Date - 06-05-2013

The Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) on issues related to river Ganga, headed by Shri B.K. Chaturvedi, Member, Planning Commission has submitted its report in April, 2013. The main recommendations of the Committee are as under:

(i) Mechanism to be developed for speedy data collection by the Consortium of IITs for preparing Ganga Basin Management Plan.

(ii) Environmental flow of 20% to 50% of the daily uninterrupted river flow during various seasons from hydro power projects.

(iii) River length to be affected by developmental projects should not be more than 60% and the distance between two hydro projects should generally be such as to ensure that over-crowding is avoided.

(iv) Six rivers, including Nayar, Bal Ganga, Rishi Ganga, Assi Ganga, Dhauli Ganga (upper reaches), Birahi Ganga and Bhyunder Ganga, should be kept in pristine form and developments along with measures for environment up gradation should be taken up. (v) All existing, under construction and in the pipeline hydro power projects shall follow the recommended e-flow regime. All such projects with environment and forest clearances but yet to start construction may go ahead but should be re-designed to optimise the energy generation, especially during the high-discharge season as per the recommended e-flows.

(c) The recommendations of the Committee are under consideration in the Ministry of Environment & Forests.

This information was given by Union Water Resources Minister Shri Harish Rawat in the Rajya Sabha today in reply to a written question.



(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)