(a) whether Delhi and 13 other cities in the country were declared as the most polluted cities in the world;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the air quality of Delhi is much poorer to Beijing in China and if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether the Government propose to get rid of automobiles both petrol/diesel which are more than ten years old, and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the other radical steps the Government proposes to take to reduce pollution in Delhi and other Metropolitan cities in the country?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c). According to the WHO, the level of PM10 shows 10 Indian cities are among top 20 most polluted cities in the world whereas the level of PM2.5 shows 13 Indian cities are among top 20 most polluted cities in world. The database which is of 2008-2013 recognizes the variability in available data across the cities and nations in terms of completeness, sources, period of availability, methods of measurement, monitoring locations, etc.

According to the WHO, value of PM10 and PM2.5 shows that Beijing has a better quality of air than Delhi. The value of PM10 & PM2.5 in Delhi are 286 µg/m3 and 153 µg/,m3 respectively whereas the values of PM10 & PM2.5 in Beijing are 121 µg/m3 and 56 µg/m3 respectively.

(d) & (e) Hon’ble NGT has issued directions for taking mitigative measures for improving the air quality in Delhi including banning of petrol vehicles more than 15 years old and diesel vehicles more than 10 years old. The directions of Hon’ble NGT are to be implemented by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) and concerned State agencies.The Government has taken measures to contain air pollution in the Delhi and other metropolitan cities, which interalia include, supply of cleaner fuels as per Auto Fuel Policy, use of gaseous fuel for public transport, pollution under control (PUC) certificate system for in-use vehicles, stringent source specific emission standards and their compliance, use of beneficiated coal in thermal power plants, strengthening public transport, expansion of metro train system, implementation of revised emission norms for gensets, etc.