Question : Encroachment of Waqf Board Properties

(a) whether in the last three years more than two thousand criminal cases have
been registered in connection with encroachment on Waqf Board properties by the Waqf mafias;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the action taken or to be taken by the Government in this regard;

(c) whether the Government has prepared any roadmap to stop encroachment on waqf board properties;

(d) if so, the action plan chalked out in this regard; and

(e) whether the Government is planning to digitalize waqf board and their records across the country and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b): As per the provision of section 32 of the Waqf Act 1995 as amended, general superintendence of all auqaf in a State is vested with the State Waqf Board (SWB) and the Waqf Board is empowered to manage the waqf properties and take legal action against unauthorized occupation and encroachment of such properties. Further, as per section 54 and 55 of the Waqf Act, SWB may take action for the removal of encroachment from the waqf property. Hence the details regarding encroachment cases are to be maintained by the SWBs.

(c) to (d): As per amended Waqf Act 1995, major provisions added therein to give more power to State/UT Waqf Boards to deal with encroachment on waqf properties inter alia include stringent definition of “encroacher”; State Governments mandated to appoint Survey Commissioners and complete the survey of Waqf Properties in a time bound manner; rigorous imprisonment for alienation of waqf properties without the prior approval of the State/UT Waqf Boards; offence of alienation of Waqf Property to be cognizable and non-bailable; three member Tribunals with extended jurisdiction to deal with disputes concerning the eviction of a tenant.

(e): Yes, Madam. Central Government launched a scheme in 2009 namely ‘Computerization of Records of State Waqf Boards’ with a view to streamline record keeping, introduce transparency, and to computerize and digitize the records of waqf properties of the State/UT Waqf Boards (SWBs). The scheme has now been modified and renamed as Qaumi Waqf Board Taraqqiati Scheme (QWBTS). Various new provisions have been added where financial assistance is provided to SWBs for GIS Mapping of Waqf Properties, setting up of Video Conferencing Facility, maintenance of Centralized Computing Facility (CCF) and ERP Solution for better administration of SWBs. As on 28.02.2018, records of 5,68,724 Immovable Waqf Properties have been entered in WAMSI Registration Module and 2,80,754 records of Waqf Properties have been digitized.


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