(a) the total area under oilseeds, pulses and rice cultivation in the country during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise;

(b) whether the area and production of these crops has decreased over the years;

(c) if so, the details thereof, crop-wise and the reasons therefor indicating the impact of drought on the production of these crops; and

(d) the corrective steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

(a): State-wise details of area coverage under oilseeds, pulses and rice during each of the last three years and the current year, i.e., 2008-09 to 2011-12 are given in the Annexure.

(b) & (c): Depending upon the rainfall situation, weather conditions, risk factors, farmers perception, comparative profitability of crops and marketing facilities etc., the State-wise area coverage under different crops in the country has been varying over the years. While during 2011-12, there has been marginal decline in area under rice and oilseeds as compared to 2008-09, the area under cultivation of pulses increased significantly. However, as a result of improvement in productivity during the above period, there has been considerable increase in production of these crops. Details of area coverage and production of rice, pulses and oilseeds in the country during 2008-09 and 2011-12 are given in the table below:-

Area: (Million Hectares)
Production: (Million Tonnes)
Crop	2008-09	2011-12	Increase(+)/Decrease(-)	Area	Production	Area	Production	Area	Production
Rice	45.54	99.18	44.07	103.41	-1.47	4.23
Tur	3.38	2.27	4.05	2.71	0.67	0.44
Gram	7.89	7.06	8.96	7.40	1.07	0.34
Other Kharif Pulses	6.43	2.42	7.26	3.48	0.83	1.06
Other Rabi Pulses	4.39	2.82	5.95	3.43	1.56	0.61
Total Pulses	22.09	14.57	26.22	17.02	4.13	2.45
Groundnut	6.16	7.17	5.37	6.95	-0.79	-0.22
Rapeseed & Mustard	6.30	7.20	6.00	6.96	-0.30	-0.24
Soyabean	9.51	9.91	10.15	12.24	0.64	2.33
Other Oilseeds	5.58	3.44	4.96	3.91	-0.62	0.47
Total Oilseeds	27.56	27.72	26.48	30.06	-1.08	2.34

As per 3rd Advance Estimates for 2011-12 released on 23.04.2012
Due to severe drought in many parts of the country during 2009-10, production of rice and oilseeds suffered a setback and declined to 89.09 million tonnes and 24.88 million tonnes respectively as compared to production of 99.18 million tonnes of rice and 27.72 million tonnes of oilseeds during the previous year i.e. 2008-09.

(d): In order to increase production of major crops including rice, pulses and oilseeds in the country through area expansion and enhancement in productivity, Government of India has been implementing several crop development schemes/programmes such as National Food Security Mission (NFSM), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), Macro Management of Agriculture (MMA), Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm & Maize (ISOPOM), etc. National Food Security Mission has been strengthened from 1.4.2010 with the merger of pulses component of ISOPOM and inclusion of two new potential States namely; Assam and Jharkhand for pulses production. In addition to above schemes, a new programme “Accelerated Pulse Production Programme (A3P)” in the form of block demonstrations has been started under NFSM since 2010-11 to take up the active propagation of key technologies for improving productivity of pulses. Further, a new initiative under RKVY viz. ‘Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India’ is being implemented since 2010-11 in order to improve productivity of rice based cropping system in Eastern India.
To minimize the impact of drought on area coverage and production during bad monsoon years, the States are advised to implement Contingency Plans suitable for different monsoon scenarios in various agro-climatic regions of the country. The States are also provided financial assistance, additional quantities of seeds etc. for growing alternate crop, wherever required. Further, to encourage farmers to increase area coverage and production, the Minimum Support Prices of major agricultural crops have also been increased significantly.