Question : OIL BLOCKS IN U.P.

(a) Whether the Government has explored oil blocks in some areas of U.P. as reported in Rashtriya Sahara dated January 29, 2005;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether international oil companies have submitted their tenders for these oil blocks;

(d) the estimated quantum of hydrocarbon (oil and gas) likely to be produced from these blocks; and

(e) the time by which the production of oil and gas is likely to be started?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to(c):- Under the Fifth round of New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP-V), Government have invited bids for the exploration of oil and gas in 20 blocks, i.e., 12 onland, 2 shallow and 6 deep water blocks. Out of the above, as reported in the Rashtriya Sahara dated 29 January, 2005, one block, namely; GV-ONN-2003/1 lying in the districts of Deoria and Gorakhpur is situated in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The NELP provides a level playing field for both private (including foreign and Indian) companies as well as Public Sector Undertakings for award of exploration acreages through Global Competitive Bidding. The response of the bidders, including international oil companies, can be known only after the bid closing date, i.e., 31.05.2005.

(d)&(e):- Since these are exploration blocks, production from these blocks can start only after discovery of crude oil and/ or natural gas is made through exploration and the commercial viability of the discovery is established. As of now, no time frame can be envisaged for commencement of production of oil and gas.