Question : IIT & IIM

(a) whether the Government has conducted any enquiry regarding the death of students in IIT campus and Hostels under suspicious circumstances, if so, the details thereof;
(b) the institution-wise details of death regarding the students in IIT and IIM during the last five years;
(c) whether the Government is aware that the deaths were reported as suicides;
(d) if so, whether the Government has taken any action for detailed enquiry;
(e) whether the Government received representation from Member of Parliament requesting to conduct enquiry regarding death of Fathima Latheef in IIT Chennai Hostel;
(f) if so, the action taken thereon; and
(g) whether the Government proposes to establish an effective system for enquiry and action on the complaints regarding mental harassment?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : All cases of Deaths or Suicides in IITs are reported to the Local Police for taking appropriate action as per law.

(b) : The institute-wise details of death of students in IIT and IIM during the last five years are annexed.

(c) & (d): All the cases of deaths or suicides in IITs are enquired into by the local Police as per law. IITs provide full support to police authorities to enquire into the matter.

(e) & (f) : Yes, Sir. Representations for conducting probe into suicide by Fathima Latheef, a student of Integrated MA first-year of IIT Madras have been received from various Members of Parliament. IIT Madras has informed that immediately after the incident was reported to the Hostel authorities, the police were informed. The police on arrival took over the custody of the Hostel room along with the materials inside and started investigations. Subsequently, the case has been transferred to the Central Crime Branch of Tamil Nadu Police. IIT Madras administration is fully cooperating with the police, who are continuing with their investigations.

(g) : Systems are in place in IITs to enquire and take action in all complaints from students in IIT campuses, which includes Student Grievance Cell, Disciplinary Action Committee, Counselling Centres etc.


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