(a) whether the Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) was launched to provide foodgrains at highly subsidised rates to the poorest among the poor who are unable to arrange two square meals a day;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether lakhs of AAY families still remain hungry and the foodgrains meant for them are being diverted into the black market;

(d) if so, the details thereof indicating the number of raids carried out from 2007 onwards to check black marketing of foodgrains and essential commodities, State/UT-wise;

(e) the quantum of wheat, rice, sugar sacks and other essential commodities such as kerosene oil, LPG seized during these raids; and

(f) the measures taken to ensure that each and every AAY family get subsidised foodgrains?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) was launched in December, 2000 for one crore poorest of the poor among BPL families and with subsequent expansions targeted to cover a total of 2.50 crore families.

Presently,State/UT Governments have identified and issued ration cards to 2.43 crore AAY families. For these 2.43 crore AAY families, foodgrains are allocated to all States & UTs @ 35 kg per family per month at a highly subsidized price of Rs.2/- per kg for wheat and Rs.3/- per kg for rice.

Identification of eligible BPL and AAY families and issuance of ration cards to these families, as per guidelines issued by Government of India, is the responsibility of the concerned State/UT Governments.

(c)to(e): In order to maintain supplies and securing availability and distribution of essential commodities, Public Distribution System (Control) Order, 2001, has been notified on August 31, 2001, which mandates the State and UT Governments to carryout all remedial action to ensure smooth functioning of TPDS in the States/UTs. An offence committed in violation of the provisions of this Order is liable for penal action under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955.

Complaints as and when received by the Government from individuals and organizations as well as through Press Reports about leakages/diversion under TPDS, are sent to the concerned State Governments for enquiry and action.

The State/UT wise details of raids carried out to check black-marketing of foodgrains and essential commodities and the value of the goods confiscated, under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 are at Annex-I, Annex-II and Annex-III, respectively.

(f): To improve and strengthen functioning of TPDS, Government has directed State & UT Governments to take up the following measures:

A. to strengthen monitoring and vigilance by-

i)      implementation of the Nine Point Action Plan;

ii)   taking action against those with Bogus Ration cards;and

iii) ensuring greater involvement of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)/Urban Local Bodies in functioning of Fair Price Shops.

  B. to ensure increased transparency in functioning of TPDS by-  
i) adoption and implementation of revised Model Citizens’ Charter;

ii) introduction of monthly certification of delivery of foodgrains at Fair Price Shops and their distribution to ration card holders;

iii)    taking up publicity-cum-awareness Campaign on TPDS; and

iv)  display of allocation of foodgrains–district and FPS wise on websites for public scrutiny.  

C. to use ICT tools such as –  
i)      computerisation of TPDS Operations;

ii)     pilot scheme on Smart Card based Operations in Haryana and Chandigarh;

iii)    piloting of new technologies for tracking movement of vehicles transporting TPDS Commodities, and

  D. to improve efficiency of FPS operations through-  
i)     doorstep delivery of foodgrains;

ii)  ensuring timely availability of foodgrains;

iii) distribution of wheat flour/fortified wheat flour under TPDS;

iv)     allotment of Fair Price Shops to Institutions and Groups;

v)      sale of non-PDS items by FPS licensees; and

vi)    revision of commission to FPS licensees