(a) whether there is no provision for re-evaluation in CBSE;

(b) if not, the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the Government would like to implement the above system in the CBSE to provide justice to the students due to lack of which many students could not pass the examination or show the better performance resulting in increase in the incidents of committing suicide; and

(d) if so, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): As per information furnished by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), there is no provision for re-evaluation of answer book(s) of a candidate in the Examination Bye-Laws of the Board. However, there is a provision for verification of marks in any particular subject. The verification is restricted to checking whether all the answers have been evaluated and that there has been no mistake in the totaling of marks for each question in that subject and that the marks have been transferred correctly on the title page of the answer book and to the award list and whether the supplementary answer book(s) attached with the answer book mentioned by the candidate are in tact. There is no proposal with the Government for introducing the system of re-evaluation in CBSE.

The CBSE has informed that the provision of revaluation of answer book(s) is not necessary due to the following reasons:

(i) CBSE’s question papers are set with pre-determined educational objectives in terms of testing of different abilities such as knowledge, understanding and application, types of questions (short answer, long answer and essay type question), weightage assignment to different units of the syllabus. These parameters reduce the scope of inter- examiner and intra-examiner variability in evaluation to the maximum possible extent.

(ii) Preparation of detailed marking scheme which is provided to the evaluators for marking of answer scripts, which brings a lot of objectivity and reliability in the evaluation.

The CBSE is an autonomous organization which takes appropriate decisions in regard to the conduct of examinations, evaluation and declaration of results. It would be simplistic to assume that suicide cases take place due to the non-availability of the facility of revaluation of answer books. In fact the cases relating to suicides are linked to a number of factors including individual personality, fast changing social dynamics, home environment, inability of children to cope with the demands and expectations of family, peer pressure and a situation in which career opportunities are very limited in relation to mounting number of aspirants and examinations being a major determinant of career path.