(a) the details of reservation being provided for Ex-servicemen
for jobs in various categories including Group âCâ and âDâ in
Central and State Governments and also various Public Sector Undertakings;
(b) whether the reservation policy for Ex-servicemen is being
implemented in letter and spirit and if so, the number of Ex-servicemen
registered for employment and re-employed during the last three years;
(c) whether the reservation being provided by the State Governments
in jobs for Ex-servicemen is adequate and if so, the details thereof
including the percentage of such reservation being provided by the
various State Governments;
(d) whether the Government proposes to issue guidelines to the
States to adopt a uniform policy in this regard and take measures/adopt
any model to ensure that the Ex-servicemen get jobs reserved for them; and
(e) if so, the details thereof?