Question : CHILD RIGHT

(a) Whether the National Commission for Women in association with Tamilnadu State Commission for Women organized a public hearing on October 29, 2003 in Chennai on `Violation of Girl Child Rights`;

(b) If so, the recommendations of the Commission; and

(c) The steps taken by the Government for the protection of Child Rights and to award punishments in cases of torture and sexual abuse of children?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Sir .

(b) A number of measures have been recommended particularly for the State Government for the protection and welfare of children.

(c) A statement is annexed.

Annexure Statement referred to in the reply to part c) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.3911 for 24.8.2004.

Details of steps taken by Government for the protection of Child Rights and to award punishments in cases of torture and sexual abuse of children.

(c) : Action to protect child rights is undertaken by several Ministries/Departments in the Government of India such as:

(i)Department of Women & Child Development

(ii)Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

(iii)Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

(iv)Ministry of Labour

The Government has enacted various legislations from time to time to safeguard the rights of children against sexual abuse, violence and inhuman treatment. These laws can be categorized under three broad sections:

(1) Crimes committed against children which are punishable under Indian Penal Code

(IPC), which include
(i) kidnapping for exporting (section 360 IPC),
(ii) kidnapping from lawful guardianship (section 361 IPC),
(iii) kidnapping for compel for marriage (section 366 IPC),
(iv) procuration of minor girls (induced or seduced or forced to illicit intercourse)

(section 366-A of IPC),
(v) selling of girls for prostitution (section 372 of IPC),
(vi) uying of girls for prostitution (section 373 of IPC),
(vii) Rape (section 375 of IPC) and
(viii) unnatural offences (section 377 of IPC).

(2) Crimes against children which are punishable under Special Laws, which include:

(i)lmmoral Traffic (Prevention) Act (where minors are abused in prostitution);

(ii) Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986; and
(iii) Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929

(3) Protective legislations to protect the children from exploitation and vulnerabilities, which include,

(i) Factories Act, 1948,

(ii) Hindu Minority & Guardianship Act, 1956,

(iii)Hindu Adoption & Maintenance Act, 1956,

(iv) The Infant Milk Substitutes Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods(Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 1992,
(v)Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques(Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 2002,

(vi)Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act,1996 and

(vii) Juvenile Justice(Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000.