(a) the steps taken by the Government to roll out the India Backbone Implementation Network across the country;

(b) the outcome expected in the implementation of policies, programmes and projects through the said network.

(c) whether the Government is considering using the national broadband lines to integrate the above mentioned network; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and the progress made in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The India Backbone Implementation Network (IbIn) is a network of organisations and individuals that possess the skills and tools to align stakeholders and alleviate bottlenecks that lead to poor implementation of projects and programmes in the country. For implementation of IbIn, the Planning Commission has enrolled various partners like Industry Associations, Non-Government Organisations and Multilateral Organisations into the network. IbIn has undertaken a few projects in the nine months since its inception and is also working on development of techniques and tools for collaboration and coordination for dissemination around the country. Some of the projects which are under implementation include Labour laws and Industrial Relations, Business Regulatory Framework, Affordable Medicines, Stimulating Growth of Medium, Small and Micro Industrial Clusters.

(b) The objective of IbIn is to improve the implementation framework. This would help in achieving the goals and targets as laid out in the 12th Five Year Plan document. To give an example, IbIn is applying collaboration-based skills into the Business Regulatory Framework of the country to streamline the overall Business Regulatory Environment to increase investment and hence increase industrial output in the country.

(c) No, Madam. Since IbIn is a skills and tool based network of organisations and individuals, there is no specific usage of broadband lines per se.

(d) Does not arise.