Question : Foot and Mouth Disease

(a)whether the Union Government has received any report regarding the huge loss incurred to the cattle farmers in the country due to the Foot and Mouth Disease and natural calamities during the last two years;

(b)if so, the details thereof, amount-wise, year-wise and State-wise;

(c)whether the Union Government has received any representation from the State Government of Kerala seeking six-month moratorium on repayment for loans borrowed for animal husbandry due to the financial crisis of cattle farmers; and

(d)if so, the details thereof along with the response of the Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister


(a)& (b): Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) is one of the most economically devastating contagious viral animal diseases affecting all susceptible cloven-footed animals. Economic losses are reported on account of occurrence of FMD in cattle and buffaloes including death of animals due to natural calamities. The direct economic losses caused by the disease are mainly due to loss in milk production and draught power and the cost of supportive treatment of affected animals and death of young animals. State-wise details of reports of incidences of FMD for 2013 and 2014 (January to December) are given at Annexure. However, State-wise details on report of economic losses to cattle farmers due to FMD and natural calamities are not maintained in this Department.

(c ) & (d); No proposal was received from Government of Kerala in this Department on seeking six-month moratorium on repayment for loans borrowed for animal husbandry due to the financial crisis of cattle farmers.

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