Question : Construction of Toilets

(a) whether huge number of toilets were constructed in various parts of the country under Swachh Bharat Mission;

(b) if so, the number of toilets constructed in the State of Tamil Nadu during the last three years, year/district-wise including Tirunelveli district;

(c) the details of funds allocated/sanctioned/utilized for the purpose during the above period, district-wise; and

(d) the future targets fixed for the next three years under the Scheme, year-wise for the State of Tamil Nadu?

Answer given by the minister


(a) As per the data reported by the States/UTs on the online Integrated Management Information System of Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) [SBM(G)], about 10.79 crore crore Individual Household Latrines (IHHLs) have been constructed in the country under SBM(G).

(b) Year-wise and district-wise number of IHHLs constructed in Tamil Nadu including Tirunelveli district under SBM(G) from 2018-19 to 2020-21 are given at Annexure.

(c) Under SBM(G), funds are released to States/UTs. Further distribution of the same to the Districts/Blocks/Gram Panchayats is done by the States/UTs. Details of Centre share funds released to the State of Tamil Nadu under SBM (G) during the last three years and utilised by the State as per the utilisation certificates received from them are as under:
(Rs. in crore)
Financial Year Funds released Funds utilised
2018-19 760.99 723.20
2019-20 137.80 405.65
2020-21 162.89 129.58

Utilisation of funds in 2019-20 is more than the release amount on account of availability of unspent funds of previous years with the State and interest amounts accrued, etc.

(d) SBM (G) is a demand driven programme. For implementation of the programme, each year State Governments submit their Annual Implementation Plans (AIPs) to the Government of India. The AIPs contains the details of projected activities planned to be undertaken by the States during the year. The AIPs are approved by the National Scheme Sanctioning Committee (NSSC) of SBM(G). AIPs of the States/UTs (including Tamil Nadu) for 2021-22 have been approved by the NSSC in its meeting held on 27th May, 2021. The targets projected by Tamil Nadu in its AIP 2021-22 are as under:

Components Projected targets
No. of Individual Household Latrines (IHHLs) (subject to actual demand) 1,07,979
No. of Community Sanitary Complexes (CSCs) 1028
No. of villages to be covered with Grey Water Management (GWM) 1622
No. of Blocks in which Plastic Waste Management Units (PWMUs) to be set up 97
No. of Districts in which GOBAR-dhan Projects to be taken up 2
No. of Districts in which Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) Plants to be set up 5

However, the overall target under SBM (G) Phase-II is to make all the Open Defecation Free (ODF) Plus by 2024-25.


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