(a) the quantum of wool produced in the country during the last three years, State-wise;

(b) the details of import/export of wool during the said period, country-wise;

(c) whether the Government has set up/ proposes to set up Certified Wool Testing Laboratories in the country;

(d) if so, the details thereof, State-wise including Rajasthan along with the norms/ criteria adopted for the same; and

(e) the funds allocated/utilised for the purpose during the said period?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Quantum of wool produced in the country during last three years is as under:-

Year	Production Quantity	(in million kg.)
2009-10	43.10
2010-11	43.00
2011-12	44.40 (Anticipated)
Data for 2012-13 is not available on the Ministry of Agricultures website. (Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Deptt. of Animal Husbandry)
State-wise wool production in the country during the year 2008-09 to 2010-11 is enclosed herewith as Annexure-I.

(b): Import & Export of wool during last three years are as under: -
(I) Import of Wool:
i) Import of raw wool from Australia, New Zealand and other countries are as under:-

Wool Woollen & Cotton rags Year Quantity Value Quantity Value (in million kgs.) (Rs. in crore) (in million kgs.) (Rs. in crore)
2010-11 94.46 1418.93 95.54 117.01 2011-12 76.29 1876.87 140.51 235.30 2012-13 77.16 1801.90 186.36 341.24 (Source: DGCI&S, Calcutta)
Country-wise import of wool during last 3 years is enclosed herewith as Annexure-II.
(II) Export of wool:
(i) item wise statement of exports is as under:-	Value (Rs.Crores)
Year	Woolen Yarn,	Ready Made	Carpet (Excluding Total	fabrics, Made ups	Garments	silk) Handmade
2010-11	478.03	1477.26	4706.68	6661.97
2011-12 725.20	1654.68	4051.21	6431.09
2012-13	659.03	1617.43	5340.77	7617.23
(Source : DGCI&S, Kolkata)
Country-wise export of wool and woolen products during last 3 years is enclosed herewith as Annexure-III-A & III-B.

(c), (d) & (e): Yes, the Government has set up Certified Wool Testing Laboratories in the country. Central Wool Development Board, Ministry of Textiles is operating two wool testing laboratories at Bikaner (Rajasthan) and Kullu (Himachal Pradesh). Wool Research Association, Mumbai is also operating a wool testing and research laboratory at Mumbai (Maharashtra). Wool fiber has lot of variation by nature, causing variation in the end product. Therefore quality check is required at every stage right from the selection of raw material to the finished product. These laboratories are providing the testing facilities to the woollen industries at nominal charges. During XII Plan, a provision of Rs. 600 lakh has been kept for upgradation of Wool Testing Laboratories at Bikaner (Rajasthan), Kullu (HP) and developing Wool Research Association’s laboratory at Thane, Mumbai as Center of Excellence for wool.

State-wise wool production in the country during the year 2008-09 to 2010-11:
(In 000 kg.)
S. No. States/ UTs 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
1 Andhra Pradesh 4507 4605 4832 2 Arunachal Pradesh 15 16 14 3 Bihar 250 260 260 4 Chhattisgarh 165 166 114 5 Gujarat 2857 2919 2918 6 Haryana 1200 1246 1287 7 Himachal Pradesh 1618 1614 1642 8 Jammu & Kashmir 7133 7282 7382 9 Jharkhand 149 136 149 10 Karnataka 7137 7165 7179 11 Madhya Pradesh 381 370 372 12 Maharashtra 1707 1726 1448 13 Punjab 451 485 506 14 Rajasthan 12664 12529 12277 15 Sikkim 1 1 1 16 Tamil Nadu 25 31 1 17 Uttar Pradesh 1503 1523 1543 18 Uttarakhand 368 353 362 19 West Bengal 687 697 705 All India 42819 43124 42991
(Source : Animal Husbandry Department: Ministry of Agriculture)
Country-wise import of raw wool
Based on data received from DGCIS&S, Kolkata
Country 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value (In Ton)(Rs. lakh) (In Ton) (Rs. lakh) (In Ton) (Rs. lakh) Afganistan TIS 53 34.40 27 20.84 107 96.77 Albania 38 12.11 - - - - Argentina 1400 3942.98 700 3084.02 533 3272.10 Australia 19485 67724.04 18399 96692.15 13935 91738.69 Austria - - - - 9 25.66 Belgium 513 270.89 360 749.69 103 126.78 Bolivia 8 8.45 9 12.36 - - Brazil 91 138.94 21 34.91 96 43.24 Belarus 64 111.83 293 344.49 - - Canada - - 65 175.44 - - Chile 20 31.44 - - - - Taiwan 26 67.99 679 1690.52 147 170.14 China P RP 5417 2477.25 8138 11034.21 4545 6724.16 Crotia - - - - 18 11.08 Cyprus 82 22.10 80 36.31 247 104.96 Czech Republic 38 22.89 25 32.59 23 10.85 Dominic REP - - - - 14 97.33 Ecuador - - - - 24 13.28 Egypt A RP 2182 822.65 2462 1216.62 2305 1225.68 Estonia - - - 21 14.44 Falkland IS 217 612.63 309 983.90 124 600.37 Finland - 82 86.16 - - France 98 98.01 233 423.92 208 782.36 Germany 366 385.72 1024 2593.27 837 1849.33 Ghana - 16 8.96 26 44.23 Greece 2734 994.66 1826 964.60 3383 1507.73 Hong Kong - 18 41.27 - - Hungary 20 6.76 39 17.77 199 104.07 Indonesia - 254 456.22 81 218.42 Iran 756 338.65 412 192.47 1410 717.68 Iraq 1174 648.12 818 574.02 1130 802.08 Ireland 15 15.64 18 5.84 - - Isreal 186 98.77 291 234.15 429 454.60 Italy 5207 2748.86 2652 2420.42 3047 2413.33 Japan 45 58.62 199 465.07 129 489.09 Jordan 81 20.16 175 65.85 1047 518.08 Kazakhstan - 15 107.61 Kenya 1343 1107.71 953 880.90 1348 1478.97 Kyrghyzstan - 41 17.36 Korea RP - 696 1496.60 445 856.45 Kuwait 806 335.24 331 208.60 832 468.16 Lebanon - 57 31.29 Lesotho 197 506.73 303 1299.23 297 2141.71 Liberia 27 9.22 22 9.10 Libya 1276 601.35 614 283.38 783 321.01 Malaysia 99 419.65 192 323.01 165 320.98 Malta 55 24.09 Myanmar - 19 6.14 9 63.48 Mexico - 70 51.96 Moldova 20 7.26 33 22.83 62 34.56 Mongolia 43 37.87 24 22.70 Morocco 130 41.44 1027 415.02 1057 445.02 Netherland 39 196.05 95 202.39 219 345.06 New Zealand 8964 13052.74 4766 11225.20 5266 11379.33 Nigeria 20 27.82 - - 14 108.26 Norway 339 305.51 119 196.23 19 29.23 Pakistan IR 9813 4219.44 4812 2527.11 9702 5512.08 Peru 24 12.56 - - 29 124.90 Philppines - 27 41.26 37 110.89 Poland - 18 38.78 21 7.67 Portugal - 26 17.08 10 34.19 Qatar - 60 173.13 34 62.83 Romania 926 420.44 650 387.35 1022 529.36 Russia 2195 2369.99 1409 2515.20 631 1417.59 Saudi Arab 4810 2278.92 2830 1768.47 3610 2101.94 Slovak Rep - 14 85.67 12 35.10 Singapore - 208 530.62 179 499.39 Slovenia - 12 65.77 - - South Africa 5083 16793.70 2623 13451.58 2647 16414.71 Spain 1132 529.74 840 705.75 1134 946.02 Sweden - 152 374.06 86 174.13 Switzerland - 154 428.10 20 24.21 Syria 4307 1776.29 3018 1420.32 4205 1958.71 Tajikistan - Tanzania REP - 13 86.39 Thailand 55 116.33 356 939.32 166 546.18 Tunisia 210 73.16 195 101.17 368 220.15 Turkey 4192 2079.51 2075 1841.88 2373 1871.98 Turkmenistan 126 52.74 667 332.59 1327 510.83 U Arab Emts 955 404.39 667 771.33 300 557.60 U.K. 3357 4571.69 2961 5634.05 2164 4824.98 Ukraine - 102 38.62 52 30.91 U.S.A. 1682 3231.83 2070 6070.37 985 3509.94 Uruguay 1868 4556.06 1342 5785.09 1225 5859.72 Venezuela 12 5.46 Vietnam 47 59.63 56 95.05 Soc. Rep. Unspecified 44 14.50 21 79.70 Total 94465 141893.95 76291 187687.63 77167 180190.2
Country-wise Export showing trends of Indian Woollen products
A. WOOLLEN YARN, FABRICS, MADEUPS ETC. Based on data received from DGCIS&S, Kolkata
Name of Country 2010-11(lakh) 2011-12 (lakh) 2012-13 (lakh) Afganistan TIS 211.41 225.13 75.99 Albania 21.08 - Algeria 74.78 154.15 - Angola 4.04 16.52 19.89 Argentina 2.11 11.31 - Australia 702.58 1082.85 1416.75 Austria 19.89 46.56 53.99 Baharain IS 6.07 418.79 90.88 Bangladesh PR 428.77 956.03 852.40 Belize 0.04 - Belgium 1821.41 2304.08 2440.28 Benin 0.04 - 0.86 Bermunda - 10.06 Bhutan 1.42 - Bosnia-Hrzgovin 0.68 - 0.37 Botswana 1.96 - Brazil 45.15 26.28 52.85 Brunei 2.03 - - Bulgaria 27.03 3.33 - Burundi 48.45 - - Belarus 0.97 0.98 3.04 Cambodia 126.67 23.81 239.53 Cameroon 52.26 14.59 - Canada 353.69 615.42 615.24 C. Afri Rep 6.36 12.61 - Chad - 0.73 Chile 486.84 292.07 439.88 China Pr P 1653.29 1424.00 670.62 Taiwan 244.68 163.45 765.84 Colombia 92.78 71.05 152.86 Congo P Rep 0.01 - - Costa Rica 17.88 - Croatia 9.89 - Cyprus 9.74 - 3.45 Czech Republic 18.81 27.36 68.94 Denmark 138.64 278.28 188.65 Dominic REP 2455.78 292.21 13.46 Dominica - 0.97 Ecuador 30.76 - - Egypt A RP 446.10 225.34 633.63 Estonia 3.33 - Ethiopia - 0.88 Finland 221.74 154.83 95.02 Fiji Is 3.40 3.64 - France 285.33 422.73 279.59 Gerogia - 0.25 Germany 1057.56 1087.36 1003.67 Ghana 1.90 0.59 15.45 Greece 99.69 37.50 8.73 Grenada 0.19 - 0.28 Guinea - 27.72 Guatemala 1.95 - Haiti 198.91 163.91 634.40 Hong Kong 663.78 447.62 564.65 Hungary 7.63 5.09 7.34 Indonesia 969.95 824.77 402.50 Iran 60.15 34.44 35.14 Iraq - - Ireland 9.72 3.54 0.40 Isreal 1389.67 1582.25 1597.57 Italy 6915.44 18534.16 16064.56 Cote D Ivoire 20.82 - - Japan 2341.91 5106.71 4943.56 Jordan 166.89 379.09 259.06 Kazakhstan - 0.05 Kenya 346.57 467.01 178.24 Korea DP RP 4.88 17.49 0.56 Kyrghyzstan - 0.45 Korea RP 643.95 1264.26 1224.93 Kuwait 28.94 29.04 134.05 Latvia 18.39 - 1.02 Lebanon 142.14 198.81 263.28 Liberia 2.82 - Libya 0.77 28.22 68.71 Lithuania 51.50 20.51 - Madagascar - 0.04 Malaysia 522.38 0.21 0.48 Malawi 909.19 1073.90 Maldives 2.43 1.19 0.26 Malta 0.79 - Mauritious 161.45 21.67 92.13 Myanmar 0.07 282.80 940.64 Mexico 790.97 432.50 583.11 Morocco 308.44 3.83 44.30 Mozambique 42.58 21.95 1.92 Namibia 17.69 6.35 57.50 Nepal 248.89 264.68 281.59 Netherland 77.74 113.89 253.29 Netherlandantil 0.24 - New Zealand 642.56 927.61 1184.78 Niger 34.04 - Nigeria 0.52 30.87 8.95 Norway 33.02 43.19 63.10 Oman 130.98 170.97 139.55 Pakistan IR 322.17 - 41.19 Panama Rep. 123.63 40.92 - Papua N Gna 0.08 3.32 - Philppines 37.19 45.79 4.55 Poland 296.86 289.42 224.66 Portugal 326.56 292.00 162.28 Puerto Rico - 0.03 Qatar 46.58 4.74 68.35 Reunion 0.02 - Romania 31.07 104.47 14.37 Russia 28.01 1.36 19.43 Rwanda 1.87 - - Saudi Arab 765.93 1521.60 1779.70 Senegal - 0.01 Serbia Montngro 1.87 - 1.61 Sierra Leone 3.69 - - Slovak Rep 41.72 28.74 26.61 Singapore 252.58 165.29 209.22 Slovenia 38.23 21.54 23.99 Somalia 22.99 7.42 - South Africa 951.82 1006.90 616.36 Spain 578.28 437.55 361.10 Sri Lanka DSR 939.31 1035.66 901.86 St kitt Na 0.24 - - Sudan 450.42 34.58 143.40 Sweden 141.79 93.93 58.04 Switzerland 4.95 4.83 36.00 Syria 182.25 161.15 118.65 Tanzania REP 83.98 37.51 16.41 Thailand 100.28 190.31 460.85 Togo - 0.89 Tunisia 192.40 112.24 101.06 Turkey 1009.87 3712.53 303.62 Turkmenistan - 1.64 Uganda 0.16 50.25 0.58 U Arab Emts 1517.71 2531.76 2588.75 U.K. 6504.45 12217.93 10161.21 Ukraine 0.02 15.40 U.S.A. 2936.90 3786.59 3276.34 Uruguay 0.65 22.61 0.92 Uzbekistan 0.10 0.07 0.19 Venezuela 0.22 4.73 - Vietnam Soc. Rep. 1268.88 1549.41 1660.25 Yemen Republic 432.16 149.86 93.42 Zambia 1.03 15.32 5.65 Zimbabwe 11.88 - Unspecified 21.44 - 1055.93 Total 47803.68 72520.36 65903.24

Country-wise Export showing trends of Indian Woollen products 
B. RMG Wool
Based on data received from DGCIS&S, Kolkata
Name of Country 2010-11 (lakh) 2011-12 (lakh) 2012-13 (lakh) Afganistan TIS 2472.89 4758.37 901.53 Algeria - 53.84 - Andorra 0.03 0.03 1.92 Angola 11.51 13.85 5.83 Antigua 0.78 0.07 1.61 Argentina 405.33 594.42 259.31 Armenia 0.97 - 0.24 Australia 1153.16 1626.9 1793.53 Austria 230.61 404.19 481.2 Aruba 1.16 - - Azerbaijan 23.82 70.16 52.87 Bahamas 4.05 8.15 12.16 Baharain IS 68.74 92.02 126.52 Bangladesh PR 176.71 108.21 113.95 Barbados 3.14 2.34 Belgium 2618.64 1957.50 2123.24 Benin 41.19 57.47 7.86 Bermunda 0.99 1.94 3.34 Bolivia 2.57 0.33 Bosnia-Hrzgovin 10.04 1.61 11.38 Botswana 15.02 0.93 7.62 Brazil 220.86 478.49 755.32 Br Virgn Is - 0.63 Brunei 6.90 0.25 3.83 Bulgaria 4.55 6.92 10.72 Burundi - 67.76 Belarus 119.65 49.91 27.56 Cambodia 5.87 9.86 0.59 Cameroon 17.69 26.66 34.13 Canada 6235.64 7875.74 3605.22 Cayman Is 0.21 - Chad 0.06 0.16 19.67 Chile 258.21 418.66 241.02 Taiwan 86.03 151.02 180.10 China Pr P 343.47 422.91 756.41 Colombia 37.13 324.04 240.56 Comoros 3.41 26.28 Congo P Rep 12.60 6.72 14.45 Cook Is 0.10 - Costa Rica 11.26 46.44 3.48 Croatia 31.34 55.41 36.02 Cyprus 17.17 6.43 10.29 Czech Republic 57.47 138.60 266.87 Denmark 3822.77 3649.91 2708.70 Djibouti 78 101.17 29.79 Dominic REP 23.91 0.12 0.29 Dominica 0.28 - - Ecuador 1.54 0.57 Egypt A RP 444.64 451.86 642.93 El Salvador - - Estonia 252.26 62.96 33.27 Ethiopia 9.51 155.95 0.28 Finland 603.34 642.97 597.94 Fiji Is 73.85 5.71 7.46 France 9739.17 12538.49 12166.15 Fr Polynesia - 3.09 Fr Guiana - - Gabon 0.09 - Gambia 0.19 - Gerogia 17.81 10.29 73.58 Germany 13550.20 14712.93 11451.9 Ghana 0.80 5.63 54.57 Gibraltar 0.09 - 2.02 Greece 193.34 268.73 137.15 Grenada 1.64 2.08 - Guadeloupe - 0.13 Guatemala 0.65 1.79 Guinea 1.15 - - Guyana 2.49 1.55 Hong Kong 863.53 1327.33 1377.76 Hungary 15.16 29.53 19.46 Iceland 2.71 13.51 7.42 Indonesia 9.00 78.57 108.59 Iran 298.81 332.05 240.22 Iraq 222.14 61.76 52.90 Ireland 301.38 387.92 218.33 Isreal 274.85 289.00 254.60 Italy 6056.44 9144.42 7577.66 Cote D Ivoire 0.52 0.73 Jamaica 10.39 - 3.00 Japan 3423.22 5783.37 8835.35 Jordan 17.52 16.18 57.76 Kazakhstan 121.35 200.21 87.58 Kenya 113.11 114.50 109.37 Korea DP RP 12.93 62.07 34.09 Kyrghyzstan 36.54 86.58 63.84 Korea RP 242.36 460.93 482.84 Kuwait 280.41 730.26 908.46 Latvia 94.21 75.69 21.48 Lebanon 79.45 138.46 108.06 Liberia - 0.28 Libya 151.43 5.30 97.03 Lithuania 11.25 15.52 36.36 Luxemburg 27.46 57.16 36.43 Macao 1.53 3.01 Macedonia - 2.79 Madagascar 3.27 87.16 214.71 Malawi 0.20 14.09 43.68 Malaysia 2760.38 1059.67 1597.38 Maladives 6.02 11.74 17.1 Mali 0.27 0.13 - Mauritania 0.03 0.82 0.1 Malta 1.95 9.28 2.31 Mauritious 974.21 446.54 199.18 Myanmar 0.44 - Mexico 352.07 963.64 227.41 Moldova 3.28 - - Mongolia 0.52 0.12 5.16 Monaco - 6.01 Morocco 116.79 44.43 235.28 Mozambique 0.76 0.58 5.16 Namibia 6.69 4.23 0.10 Nepal 113.21 324.83 306.91 Netherland 3049.91 4711.17 4181.26 Netherlandantil 1.00 18.73 10.44 New Caledonia 1.87 0.49 0.71 New Zealand 225.29 178.02 153.54 Niger 0.54 9.38 Nigeria 510.00 1631.63 1531.19 Norway 327.73 474.10 1041.59 Oman 2188.07 633.41 346.33 Pakistan IR - 4.55 Panama Rep. 24.74 24.08 40.75 Paraguay - 1.71 Peru 39.40 102.56 29.28 Philppines 4.28 18.64 6.84 Poland 344.99 553.30 674.27 Portugal 427.47 964.26 798.00 Puerto Rico 0.03 0.04 0.09 Qatar 152.64 325.24 156.86 Reunion 21.81 26.22 14.57 Romania 27.54 55.87 162.86 Russia 129.55 441.04 432.38 Rwanda 11.83 24.18 977.69 Saudi Arab 3440.51 4492.75 3597.54 Senegal 44.70 70.04 60.16 Serbia Montngro 2.70 11.98 3.87 Seychelles 2.26 0.19 1.75 Sierra Leone 0.20 - - Slovak Rep 7.34 21.30 19.89 Singapore 488.10 555.54 581.93 Slovenia 60.45 31.28 7.60 Solomon Is 2.02 - South Africa 1302.36 898.06 711.02 Spain 5570.35 6862.96 5668.11 Sri Lanka DSR 585.30 667.93 316.11 St Helena 0.80 - St kitt Na 2.28 - - St Lucia 0.95 0.07 - Sudan 341.63 326.33 27.92 Suriname 26.73 2.58 22.22 Swaziland 25.66 21.27 18.79 Sweden 1071.48 1072.68 1102.11 Switzerland 517.44 766.21 767.90 Syria 21.09 24.85 - Tajikistan 32.33 0.02 Tanzania REP 1179.50 1565.54 990.90 Thailand 327.66 516.16 649.34 Togo 148.92 - 20.93 Tunisia 1.13 2.35 0.50 Trinidad 43.21 6.16 16.82 Turkey 659.19 952.74 1142.15 Turkmenistan 468.52 63.20 1.12 Uganda 15.72 30.21 55.16 U Arab Emts 11471.06 15011.93 8009.45 U.K. 16286.94 17526.80 16664.22 Ukraine 300.08 102.87 9.41 U.S.A. 34708.03 28228.96 45717.31 Uruguay 46.02 64.62 52.29 Uzbekistan 33.73 37.34 126.32 Venezuela 102.10 46.06 35.48 Vietnam Soc. Rep. 11.81 19.63 2.86 Virgin Is Us 0.89 1.51 0.02 Yemen Republic 251.72 386.12 632.30 Zambia 3.04 2.61 407.82 Zimbabwe 60.17 85.87 0.06 Unspecified 87.02 2.11 0.68 Total 147726.54 165468.62 161743.11