Question : Nuclear Power Generation and Uranium Consumption

(a)the present nuclear power generation capacity in the country and the actual output thereof, reactor-wise along with the share of nuclear energy in total energy mix of the country;

(b)the target set for nuclear power generation during the current year along with the reason for failure, if any, in meeting the said target;

(c)the details of Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) operating and under construction in the country;

(d)whether the Government proposes to take help from other countries in this regard and if so, the details thereof including the names of the countries which have agreed to cooperate in this regard;

(e) the quantity of Uranium consumed by the existing NPPs during each of the last three years and the current year, NPP-wise along with the names of the countries from where the Uranium was imported during the said period, country-wise; and

(f)the quantity of uranium mined and extracted within the country during the said period, State/UT-wise along with the measures taken by the Government to explore the new reserves of Uranium in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a)The details of the present capacity and generation from the nuclear power plants in the country for the year 2017–18 up to November, 2017 given in Annexure -1. The share of nuclear power in the total electricity generation in the country in the current year 2016-2017 was 3.05%.

(b)The generation target for the current financial year 2017-18 is 39,000 Million Units (MU) under ‘Very Good’ category of MoU, 2017-18. The generation (April to November 2017) was 23785 MU and the annual target is expected to be met.

(c)The details are enclosed as Annexure-2.

(d)The Government is sourcing fuel for reactors placed under IAEA Safeguards from countries like Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Canada. In respect of reactors under construction, Kudankulam Units 3&4 (KKNPP 3&4) are being set up in technical cooperation with the Russian Federation. Discussions have also been initiated with the USA and France for setting up large capacity nuclear power reactors in the country.

(e)The approximate requirements of atomic fuel/uranium for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) are as follows:
Unit Capacity (MW) Annual requirement
at 85% Capacity Factor
(tons UO2 )

220 45
540 100
700 125

The approximate requirements of atomic fuel/uranium for Light Water Reactors (LWRs) currently in operation are as given below:

Unit Capacity(MW) Annual Fuel Requirement
(tons, low enriched uranium)

160 6 (at 85% CF)
1000 25 (at 90% CF)

As regards the quantity of Uranium imported, the details are tabulated below:
M/s JSC NAC Kazatomprom, M/s Cameco Canada M/s PJSC TVEL Corporation, Russia
(Uranium Ore Concentrate) (Uranium Ore Concentrate) (Natural Uranium Oxide Pellets)

Year Quantity(MT) Quantity (MT) Quantity(MT)

2014 743.419 Nil 296.548
2015 Nil 250.743 303.787
2016 999.807 1233.681 187.334
(up to 13-12-17) 923.856 989.452 Nil
* One-time import of Enriched Uranium Oxide Pellets.

(f)It is not in the public interest to disclose the quantity of production of uranium from the mines operated by Uranium Corporation of India Limited, a public sector undertaking of the Department of Atomic Energy. Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMD), a constituent unit of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), which has a mandate to identify and evaluate mineral resources of uranium and thorium has so far established 2,73,956 tonne in situ U3O8 (2,32,315 tonne U) as on November, 2017.


Annexure -1
Location & State/UT Unit Capacity (MW) Generation (April to November 2017),
Million Units (MUs)*
Tarapur Maharashtra TAPS-1 160 174
TAPS-2 160 900
TAPS-3 540 2099
TAPS-4 540 556
Rawatbhata, Rajasthan RAPS-1@ 100 -
RAPS-2 200 978
RAPS-3 220 1247
RAPS-4 220 1286
RAPS-5 220 1342
RAPS-6 220 1169
Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu MAPS-1 220 955
MAPS-2 220 1129
Kudankulam, Tamilnadu KKNPP-1 1000 2074
KKNPP-2 1000 2384
Narora, Uttar Pradesh NAPS-1 220 1189
NAPS-2 220 1160
Kakrapar, Gujarat KAPS-1$ 220 -
KAPS-2$ 220 -
Kaiga, Karnataka KGS-1 220 1284
KGS-2 220 1243
KGS-3 220 1267
KGS-4 220 1348
* The generation figures are rounded off to the nearest digit.
@ RAPS-1 is under extended shutdown for techno-economic assessment.
$ KAPS-1&2 are under long shutdown for Enmasse Coolant Channel Replacement (EMCCR) and Enmasse Feeder Replacement (EMFR).

a)Operational Nuclear Power Reactors in the Country

State Location Unit Capacity (MW)

Maharashtra Tarapur TAPS-1 160
TAPS-2 160
TAPS-3 540
TAPS-4 540
Rajasthan Rawatbhata RAPS-1@ 100
RAPS-2 200
RAPS-3 220
RAPS-4 220
RAPS-5 220
RAPS-6 220
Tamilnadu Kalpakkam MAPS-1 220
MAPS-2 220
Kudankulam KKNPP-1 1000
KKNPP-2 1000
Uttar Pradesh Narora NAPS-1 220
NAPS-2 220
Gujarat Kakrapar KAPS-1$ 220
KAPS-2$ 220
Karnataka Kaiga KGS-1 220
KGS-2 220
KGS-3 220
KGS-4 220

@ RAPS-1 is under extended shutdown for techno-economic assessment
$ KAPS-1&2 are under long shutdown for Enmasse Coolant Channel Replacement (EMCCR) and Enmasse Feeder Replacement (EMFR)

b)Nuclear Power Reactors Under Construction in the Country **

State Location Unit Capacity (MW)
Gujarat Kakrapar KAPP-3&4 2 X 700
Rajasthan Rawatbhata RAPP-7&8 2 X 700
Haryana Gorakhpur GHAVP - 1&2 2 X 700
Tamilnadu Kudankulam KKNPP– 3&4 2 X 1000
Kalpakkam PFBR* 500
* being implemented by BHAVINI

** Government approval obtained for 10 additional PHWRs and KK 5&6

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