Question : Approved Technical Institutions

(a) the number of technical institutions sanctioned by the All India Council for Technical
Education(AICTE) in the country during the last three years and the current year,
(b) the number of technical institutions which have not complied with the rules
prescribed by the said council during the said period;
(c) the number of technical institutions sanctioned by the AICTE functioning in the
country at present;
(d) the measures taken by the Government to check corruption while according sanction
to technical institution by the said council and the number of corruption cases that
have come to light during the said period; and
(e) the action taken by the Government in such cases and the outcome thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a): The details are at annexure.
(b): The number of institution which have not complied with the rules prescribed the council in
the period from 2013-14 to 2016-17 is as follows:

Academic Year 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Number of institutions 42 93 151 75

(c): At present is 10,356 technical institutions have been approved by the AICTE functioning in
the country.
(d): The Govt. has initiated various measures through AICTE for checking corruption such as e-
Governance, Online Approval Process system and Online Public Grievance Redressal system.
The norms of approval process have been streamlined and strictly adhered while granting
approval to the technical institutions. Surprise visits to the defaulting institutions are also
conducted by the AICTE and appropriate action is taken against them. There are 03 cases of
corruptions have come to the notice of AICTE during the period 2013-14 to 2016-17.
(e): In one case, the college has been put on ‘No Admission’ category for the Academic Year
2016-17. In other two cases, Extension of Approval was withheld for the Academic Year 2014-
15 and no Extension of Approval was granted for Academic Year 2015-16 and 2016-17.

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