Question : Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules- 2018

(a) whether the Government has notified an Amendment to the Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2018 recently and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether Multi Layered Plastics (MLP), the shining cover of many food and chips, tobacco products and biscuits packets are likely to be phased out and if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether MLP are made up of a layered composition of various types of plastics with non-plastics and are non recyclable and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether billions of MLP are either being burnt or dumped into our oceans and landfills causing serious health repercussions to animals and plants; and
(e) if so, the concrete steps being taken by the Government in setting up a system for collection and channelling of their post-consumer packaging products, especially for MLP manufacturers?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to (c) Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules,2018 have been notified by the Ministry on 27th March, 2018. It was noted that Multi Layered Plastics (MLP) having at least one layer of plastic as the main ingredient in combination with one or more layers of materials such as metalised layers or aluminium foil can be used in waste to energy plants, cement kilns etc in an environmentally sound manner. Further, the MLP, has alternate use for road construction etc. Therefore, the rules have been amended such that the phasing out of Multilayered Plastic (MLP) is now applicable for the MLP which are “non-recyclable or non-energy recoverable or with no alternate use”.
Further, a centralized registration system has been prescribed for the registration of the Producer/Importer/Brand owner. For smaller producers /brand owners operating within 1 or 2 states, a state level registration system is prescribed. For producers with presence in more than 2 states, a national registry has been prescribed. The Rule 15, “Explicit pricing of carry bags” has been omitted.

(d) and (e) The volume of plastic produced in the world has increased significantly and an increasing amount of plastic litter ends up in waterways and the ocean. Plastic litter is hazardous to the marine environment because plastics are durable, buoyant, waterproof, indigestible, and non-biodegradable. Plastic litter adversely impacts marine life and environment.

The Government has notified Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016. As per the Rules, the generators of waste have been mandated to take steps to minimize generation of plastic waste, not to litter the plastic waste, ensure segregated storage of waste at source and handover segregated waste to local bodies or agencies authorised by the local bodies. The rules also mandate the responsibilities of local bodies, gram panchayats, waste generators, retailers and street vendors to manage plastic waste. The rules mandate the producers, importers and brand owners to work out modalities for waste collection system based on the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility.


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