Question : Infrastructure and Technological Facilities to Police Forces

(a) whether the Government had provided adequate funds for enhancing infrastructure and technological facilities to increase the strength and capabilities of Police forces in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the Government’s allocation during each of the
last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;

(c) whether the Government has initiated all round skill training for police personnel in the country and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the funds allocated for the said purpose during the said period, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) : Yes, Madam. Although the responsibility of equipping the state police forces lies with the State Governments by virtue of ‘Police’ being a State subject, Government of India supplements the efforts of State Governments by providing central assistance under the scheme of ‘Assistance to States for Modernisation of Police’ [erstwhile scheme of Modernisation of State Police Forces(MPF)] to strengthen police infrastructure. Under this Scheme, State Governments are provided central assistance for acquiring advanced weaponry such as AK-47 & INSAS Rifles, all types of surveillance
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equipments including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Night Vision Devices(NVDs), CCTV Surveillance system & body worn camera systems, modern communication equipments and state-of-the-art equipments for intelligence branches and forensic science laboratories. State Governments formulate their State Action Plans (SAPs) every year based on their strategic priorities and requirements. The allocations and releases made during each of the last three years and the current year, State wise is at Annexure-I.
(c) & (d) : The responsibility of providing training also rests primarily with the State Governments. However, Central Governments supplement the States by providing assistance for training of State Police Forces. The Central Government, through the National Police Academy organizes tactical training of police officers at the foundation level, functional level and directional level. The Army, NSG and Greyhounds, Hyderabad provide specialized pre-induction, commando, counter-naxal and counter-IED training to both Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and State Police personnel. Counter Insurgency and Anti-Terrorist (CIAT) Schools provide specialized anti-terrorist / naxal training to State police personnel. In addition, all CAPFs and State Police Forces have developed in-house capabilities for providing specialized training at their respective institutes. In addition, Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Narayan Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science (NICFS) organizes a number of courses on
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forensic science in which police officers, judicial officers and prosecutors participate. Also, the Directorate of Forensic Science Services (DFSS) also conducts training programme from time to time for creating awareness among the Police, Judiciary and other Law Enforcement Agencies. Funds allocated and spent for training of State Police personnel are not maintained separately.

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