Question : Unique Identification Number Project

Will the Minister of ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:
(a) the present status of implementation of Unique Identification Number (Aadhaar) Project, State-wise;

(b) whether the Government has allocated additional funds for execution of this project and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether many of the States are lagging behind in the implementation of the project and if so, the reasons therefor; and

(d) the time by which the above project is likely to be fully implemented, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister

(a) and (c): As on 15th Feb, 2018 more than 89.2% of estimated population has been issued Aadhaar all over the country. In the states of Assam and Meghalaya, the enrolment has started recently. Hence, Aadhaar coverage in these states is low. The State-wise status is attached at Annexure.

(b): UIDAI was approved as a Central Sector Scheme in 11th Five Year Plan (FYP) continued in 12th FYP with approval to operate in project mode till March, 2017.

Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is now an independent statutory authority established and operating under the Aadhaar Act 2016 and as per Section 24 of the Act, “The Central Government may, after due appropriation made by Parliament by law in this behalf, make to the Authority, grants of such sums of money as the Central Government may think fit for being utilised for the purposes of this Act”.

The approved budget at Revised Estimate Stage for Financial Year 2017-18 in the form of Grants in Aid is Rs. 1150 Crore.

(d): Enrolment, Updation and Authentication for Aadhaar is an on-going process.



State/UT wise Aadhaar Saturation
15th February, 2018
S.No State Name Total Population (Projected 2017) Numbers of Aadhaar assigned (LIVE) Saturation %
2017 (LIVE)
1 Delhi 18,110,349 21260964 117.4%
2 Goa 1,521,000 1559819 102.6%
3 Chandigarh 1,110,820 1133723 102.1%
4 Himachal Pradesh 7,246,418 7377467 101.8%
5 Haryana 27,443,256 27885649 101.6%
6 Punjab 29,344,896 29683047 101.2%
7 Kerala 35,043,531 35412010 101.1%
8 Telangana 38,042,884 38386723 100.9%
9 Uttarakhand 10,956,753 10805777 98.6%
10 Lakshadweep 70,214 68956 98.2%
11 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 373,636 361779 96.8%
12 Daman & Diu 216,981 208984 96.3%
13 Gujarat 63,000,000 59966937 95.2%
14 A & N Islands 414,057 392888 94.9%
15 Puducherry 1,356,199 1278086 94.2%
16 Chhattisgarh 28,125,421 26425471 94.0%
17 West Bengal 96,775,592 90756521 93.8%
18 Jharkhand 36,672,687 34248728 93.4%
19 Tamil Nadu 75,844,451 70706500 93.2%
20 Odisha 44,912,901 41780628 93.0%
21 Maharashtra 119,581,739 111177671 93.0%
22 Karnataka 65,426,566 60679296 92.7%
23 Andhra Pradesh 52,375,124 48423128 92.5%
24 Madhya Pradesh 80,894,777 72790907 90.0%
25 Tripura 4,000,638 3596127 89.9%
26 Sikkim 662,250 582598 88.0%
27 Uttar Pradesh 224,558,257 194552765 86.6%
28 Rajasthan 76,802,294 66212256 86.2%
29 Bihar 117,153,097 97975172 83.6%
30 Mizoram 1,188,971 956476 80.4%
31 Manipur 2,966,130 2375749 80.1%
32 Arunachal Pradesh 1,506,749 1149799 76.3%
33 Jammu Kashmir 13,477,325 9799731 72.7%
34 Nagaland 2,158,431 1219621 56.5%
35 Meghalaya 3,230,132 660016 20.4%
36 Assam 34,068,394 2611469 7.7%

TOTAL 1,316,632,920 1174463440 89.2%

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